Chapter 4

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TW: Mention of self harm, And attempted suicide, and a bit more, so, I'm sorry. Don't kill me.

Logan's pov

I walk out, and start to head home. Knowing Patton and Roman, they would have tried to get Virgil out of this mess. When I get home greeted by warmth. I walk up to my room, change then go to Virgil's room. I here crying. I feel so bad. I knock softly. "Go away Roman, I don't want to eat right now." He says, for some reason not recognizing my knock. "Love, it's Logan." I say and then I here a thud. "Virgil. Are you ok?" I ask concerned, but the next thing I know the door is thrown open, and I'm being hugged. I hug back imminently.

I slowly start to walk into Virgil's room. Him still hugging me. I laugh a bit, at his unwillingness to let me go. When I start to back away slowly, he lets go, and looks up at me. I smile still my arms wrapped around his waist. I kiss him gently. Very lovingly. Being Very gentle. But I pick him up, His legs wrap around my torso. I notice that he is not wearing his dress anymore, he probably changed when he got home. I shut the door with my foot, locking it with my hand. I take him over to his bed and put him down. He let's go and I sit on the bed with him. grabbing the purple and sticker-ed covered laptop, setting on my lap, cuddling with Virgil, under the blanket. 

I turn on a documentary about animals.  Virgil seemed happier now that we could rest, but then I remembered what he said when I knocked on the door. "Virgil, love, have you eaten diner?" I ask turning to him. He slowly shakes his head. "Well you need to, so we are going to eat. Knowing Patton, he probably made a big diner." I say and start to get up. "No, please, I'm not really hungry anyway." He says grabbing my wrist. Just then his stomach makes a noise. "Virgil, are you lying to me?"

Virgil's pov

"Virgil, are you lying to me?" Logan ask. To be honest, I haven't really eaten much of anything in the past few weeks. Yes, being with Logan is great, but i have had more and more nightmares, and there just getting worse. "N-no." I say. Dammit why did I stutter. "Yes you are, Virgil are you ok?" He asks, and I freeze. He grabbed my arm. I pull away, and pull my arm closer to me. "Virgil." his voice dropped a bit, not threatening or anything, just felt like he was disappointed in me, knowing what I did. 

"Virgil, let me see your arm." He says, and I shake my head. No-one can know. though he already did, but I'm not going to let him see it. "Virgil, I said let me see what you did to your arm, please." (haha, I'm listing to 911, the song, love it, but I'm listing to it right now. haha fun.) "No." I say and look to the bed. "Virgil, just let me see, let me help. please, I just want to help." He says his voice shaky. "Get out." I say. still not looking at him, to scared to see his reaction. 

"Wh-What?" He asked

"Get out." I repeat. Tiers, trying to spill. "No. You are my Boyfriend, my soulmate. And And if you think I'm going to leave you like this, then your wrong. I'm helping you no mater what. You got that. I'm going to help, Now show me your arm." he says even more stricter then before. "If you dont leave now, then I will make you." I say trying to not let him know that I'm crying. "Virgil, just let me help. Please." He begs. "Last chance." I say, getting a bit mad at myself for letting this happen. "Virgil please." He begs again. 

"I told you last chance." I stand stand up. and start to push him out of the room. He is a bit stronger then me, but I use all of my might to get him out. he moved out of the way of my shoves, and I fell. He imminently got on top of me and pined me down. (NOT BEING SEXUAL,  JUST MAKING SURE HE DOES NOT TRY TO ESCAPE OR HURT HIMSELF EVEN FURTHER, NO SEXUAL.)  He put my arm the part that was not hurt from what he could tell, under his leg so I could not move. He Looked at me, and I looked away. Then he pulled down my sleeve. He saw all that I had done. All the scares. The new and old ones. 

I heard a gasp, and a bit of a wimpier. Was he crying? oh no, what have I done?  I think to myself. I looked at him and he was crying, and I was to. I pushed him off, after a few times of struggling, and got him out of the room, locking the door once more. 

"Great now that he saw that, he probably hates me. I should just end it. He would be happier if I did. God, I'm a horrible person, but if I end it, then they won't have to deal with it." I say and start to walk to my closet. In there is a Rope, and the clothes hanger is high enough. I grab the rope and start to tie it. Wait, I have to make a note. (just as I thought of the song Her Last Words the song started to play. haha, depression, isn't it great.) I thought. I started to make a note. addressing Logan, Patton, and Roman. When that is wrote, I finish tying it. Grab my rolly chair from my desk and bring it to the closet.

I got up on the chair, put the rope around my neck, and...

Logan's pov.

When he pushed me out of the room, I went to mine, still, tiers streaming down my face, and I did not want anyone to see me like this. I felt weak, how could I not notice. God I'm a horrible boyfriend. I sit there thinking for a while. I look at the red string rapped around my finger a few times, the symbol of Virgil and I being soulmates. But what kind of soulmate lets his boyfriend go through this.

The string on my finger starts to fall a bit. I don't understand at first, but then it hits me. "ROMAN, PATTON!!!!" I scream, panic clear in my voice. They run to me. "What's wrong Logan?" Patton ask. I ignore his question. "Roman break down the door." I say slightly yelling. "But that's his privacy." he says. God there so ignorant. "ROMAN, NOW." I yell, scaring him a little bit. He finally does as I say, trying to break it. He gets it on the first try. I run in the room. Not knowing where to look first. "Look everywhere." I snap.

I start to look in the bathroom, checking the bathtub. Not seeing anyone in there, I move back to the main room. I hear a scream, Romans to be exact. I know what he found. I rush over, and Roman covers Patton's eyes. I'm horrified by the seen. I walk as fast as I can up to him. Lift him up and get the rope off from around his neck, I bring him to his bed, and start to do CPR, checking for his pulse. 

Please, don't hate me. 

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