Chapter 6

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Hey, Im going to make Dee now a random good character. He will be dating Remus, And he apoligized to all of them, they all live together. it will just go along with the story

Logan's Pov

Virgil looked up at me and I smiled. We had an amazing day yesterday. Just cuddling, watching things, sleeping. It was a new day, and Virgil would now be moving into my room now, were all helping him.  "So, when are we going to get to work?" Virgil asked. "When ever you are ready." I answer. "What do you want to do with my room to make it more comfortable for you?" I ask "Well, its still your room as well, so I want us both to be comfortable. So lets say maybe like two walls dark purple, and two walls dark blue. Then we could maybe turn my room into a study for you, and you can store some of your stuff for work in there."

I nod. "That would suffice. Would you like to get to moving your things into my room? Wait. What do you want to do about the bed situation?" I ask and look at him, well the best I can, he is laying on my chest. "I don't really care, I mean we do share a bed almost every night. But it's up to you." He says smiling, I move to where we are both sitting up, on the side of the bed. "Are you sure, I mean, It's going to be different because we will now share the same room?" I state, laying back down, and looking up at the ceiling. Virgin's head pops into my line of vision. "Hey, its ok. I'm down to do what ever." he says trying to calm me down. smiling at me. if I could stay like this for the rest of my life I would be so happy, and I don't think in the only one who feels like that. 

"Right. Right. Anyway, lets go eat. Then we can get to moving things, and getting everything done. To where we are happy." I say and when Virgil's head hits my chest I can feel him nod. "You know that means we need to get up?" I ask, and I hear him sigh. "Fine, Fine. Let's go eat. Then get to work." He says getting up, then helps me to my feet. We walk out of my room and I grab his hand. We walk down stairs hand in hand, and sit down in our respected spots. All though Dee and Remus went out early this morning. "What's for breakfast pat?" 

"Toast with crofters for Logan. Cereal for Roman and I. And bagel for you." he says setting Logan's and I's food on the table, then sits down in his seat. Then proceeds to eat. "After breakfast, Virgil and I need your help to move Virgil into my room, and move some of my stuff into his room. So I require your assistance, will you help." I ask, kind of confusing myself, because I stated that I need help twice. "Yeah, of course Lo, we are always happy to help." patton stated really bubbly. I don't know how one person can be so energetic. It's a bit abnormal if you ask me. but I don't know why you would ask me. 

"Logan." I hear Virgil snap at me. "My apologies. I was just thinking." I say. "Logan, it's ok, but are you?" Virgil asks. "What do you mean?" I question, not really understanding. "Are you ok?" He states as if its the most obvious thing in the world. "I-... Yes I am satisfactory." I say sighing. "Let's just finish eating we have a lot of work to get done today." I say trying to finish eating so we can get this done with. "ok." he says and starts to eat. 

We finished eating, we are now moving things around. We have most of my work stuff in his old room, and the walls are painted in my- our room. Now all that is left is getting everything in its place in our room. Virgil and I work to get a desk next to the wall in the corner. Then Patton puts the chair under it. "ok we move the bed against that wall, and but the bed stands next to both sides and we will be done." I say and start going to the bed, and moving it, Virgil helps, then roman joins and at last Patton joins and we get it to the wall, then Roman and Patton put the bed stands next to the bed. the room is done. Both Roman and Patton ran off somewhere, Probably to there room to watch movies. Then Virgil and I are laying on our bed, tired and happy.

The bed suddenly looses some of its pressure, and I feel a hand on my wrist and now I'm being dragged out the window, by a Virgil who is not saying anything. We get to the roof and lay down once more we were happy, just looking at the stars, not talking. "These stars get more amazing every night..." Virgil says breaking the silence. "Not as amazing as you make my life.." I say smiling. Virgil turns to look at me smiling. "You really do light up my life that is just a tunnel of darkness." He states cuddling closer to me. "You do as well my darling." I say holding him by the waist, pulling him closer to me. Virgil smiles up at me and kisses me. I kiss back no hesitance. when he pulls back he smiles again. "I love you Lo." I smile. "I love you more." I say.

He cuddles close to me, it that even possible. he sighs. "This is nice." he says. " I agree I'm so happy we can have these times to do this." I say looking back up at the stars. "Alright you love birds, it's time to eat. Then y'all can come back out here." Patton yell's from the window. I sigh. "Alright Patton. we will be there soon." I say and start to get up only to get dragged back down and get kissed again, I smile into the kiss and feel happy. "ok were coming." he says laughing. I finally stand up then help Virgil get to his feet. "Let's go." I keep a hold of his hands. we get back in my room then walk down to the kitchen.

Roman looks at us as we sit down and chuckles slightly, and goes to help Patton. "What are we doing for dinner for pat?" Vi asks. "Lasagna." he says setting it on the counter, roman grabs the plates and sets the plates down. The others join us. I don't know then they came back but they sit at the and we all eat. telling stories and jokes. Some funny some not. 


Hey so I am so sorry that I took like 10 weeks to get this out. I'm trying but this is a book to get my mind off of things. I started writing again because I needed a distraction. So this is a distraction book. I will try to post when I can but I cant promise much, I have a lot going on and I am getting help, but I am not doing very well. I'm sorry, I will try to post more often if I can. also I may make a one shot book for Sanders Sides. I will do any ship but REMROM. sorry. I will do anything else unless I am not comfortable, clearly. anyway, please comment I love getting comments and talking to the people who read this book. please talk????

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