That Night

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Khaleb and his best friend Zoella, Zoe for short, and their significant others, Jalina and Mikey sit on a huge couch at an end of the year party. Summer break starts and when they go back they all will be starting college. With this being the start of their adulthood the three decided to drink. Khaleb sat out untill he was berated with "come-on babe, one won't hurt" that got more aggressive as the night continued. "Babe I'm the driver, your the one who said I shouldn't even drink." Says Khaleb. "Stop being a fucking pussy like always" she replied loudly. The couple begin arguing as they do every now and again. Yet, this was worse than any other time. Since she was drunk, it wasn't just about alcohol. She went on and on about his scepticism, his second thinking, his sexual skills and his weight that he was always a bit self conscious about. "Fine. you want me to drink.. I will alright." Khaleb grabs an entire bottle and downs it drinking the entire thing. Then grabs another. Zoe stops him. "No more okay. You're still driving." He ignores her at first and takes another swig. "Imm noot drivin anmore zo-zo" khaleb responds in a drunken voice sounding emotional broken as well. Mikey gets up and takes Khaled upstairs as Zoe follows. "Zoey. Maybe you should stay here with khaleb. He can't drive, and I'm sure he doesn't want to go home and be alone with her." Mikey states. "Mikey, can you drive me home?" Jalina calls upstairs. After Mikey puts khaleb in the bed and takes his keys, he kisses Zoe and tells her he's gonna take Jan home. Zoe agrees to stay with Khaled to make sure he's okay and say they'll talk in the morning. Zoe closes the door and looks back to see Khaleb with another bottle he smuggled in downing it. Zoe snatches it and drinks some herself. "Khaleb, why? Why do you put up with her. You two say you love each other yet you guys just had the worst fight of anything I've ever seen." Khaleb just looks out the window. Grunting. "I mean, you seem happy, but I know more than anything that's the outside. The inside, I know your hurting." Zoe continues "Kay?" Khaleb looks over "I told you not to call me that." She gets close "fine.. I'll stop. Can I ask something though?" Khaleb tells her that she can always ask him anything. "She says that she feels like Mike is growing distant cause he likes someone else." Tears start to stream from her eyes. Khaleb faces her completly and wipes the tear from her eye. "Look, hey hey look at me. You're a wonderful girl with a beautiful smile and a personality and brain outta this world. You can light a room and take all the attention in it as you walk in. If he wants someone else, he doesn't deserve the true prize you are." She looks up and smiles, not knowing what's coming over her.. she kisses him on the cheek and hugs him so tenderly. "If you believe that, why do you take the abuse. You're the same." Zoe's hug gets tighter. As he embraces her they felt something in this hug they never have before. More than the understanding and friendship they've always had. It was that and more. They were closer than ever. When they broke away, the moon shined through the window shades emoting a light that hit off Zoe's face perfectly. With the wind blowing creating a perfect breeze inside the room making the perfect atmosphere. As one tear fell from her face as he looked in her eyes and she gazed back, he wiped it away and pulled close by her chin as she gazed at him wanting to be closer. He moved in and stopped. "I... I'm sorry, that's wrong.. i.. I... I ca-" in his sentence she kissed him more deeply that she has Mikey. More passionate that she ever had kissed any partner she's ever had before.

"Wow.." both said together in unison. Zoella gets up and paces a bit. "Omg.. no. What did we just do!? I was scared Mike was cheating on me but now look. Shit. I'm horrible."  As she keeps talking to herself and pace khaleb sits there in astonishment that she kissed him. He realizes that she is having a delema again and snaps out of it. But before he can help, she's stopped pacing and is standing at the door thinking about opening it. "Zoe..." She jumps a little bit and turns around slowly. "I'm sorry. It was my fault Zoey." Khaleb looks at her sadden even more. "No. I kissed you." Zoey locks the door and turns around with her shirt unbuttoned. "Maybe we're both too drunk, or whatever, but I want you Kay. I need you. Right now." Zoe was forward dropping her pants reviling her laced black underwear standing in front of khaleb with an unbottoned pink shirt and yellow crop top under it. "I.." he can't finish a sentence, but she is right. He is too drunken to dispute him wanting her too. He knows it's wrong, but something about it was righter than anything in his life at that moment. He grabs onto her and hugs her waist, kissing her belly running his hands up and down her back. She lets out a faint moan from the caressment. She looks down at him and pushes him back onto the bed. She slowly straddles him grabbing his shirt and slowly taking it off knowing of his body issues. She noticed an odd mark on his stomach, as if he was hit with something hard. She kisses his neck as he grabs her thighs. She lifts up and takes the first shirt off as khaleb undoes his pants. In a moment's notice they're both completly nude Zoe on top of him. Kissing passionately as if they had been together for years. Zoe gets close and whispers in his ear that she's always thought about him and her but never knew it be this good. Then asks if he had a condom.he got up and grabbed one from his pants he threw in haste. When he comes back she laid on her back waiting for him again. He climbed back in bed and positioned himself. As the condom went on, their bodies got off more. Waiting in anticipation for the other. They stared in each other's eyes as he slipped it inside her. A moan by both, that got loader and more heavier. He got closer to her face going slowly not to hurt her in any form. They kiss again each time the kissing getting stronger as if it should have been them together in the first place. The sex intensifying every moment. Neither of them knew what to say without making the situation awkward in their head. Untill, Zoe broke her moans and silence simply saying "Kay. I love you" and pulling him close and kissing him as they both climaxed together. Khaleb kept thrusting and after the kiss he licked and bit her neck sending pure ecstacy through her body as he whispered in her ear "I love you too Zoey" they became more than just each other's best friend that night. They became lovers. They looked outside at the full moon in perfect location above the sky with clouds and the beachfront in view. The waves crashed together with the sounds of them going a second round and when they were done that time. Before falling asleep she looks over at Kay and says. "I have a new nickname for you. Ky of the sky." He looks at her and smiles. "Cause I'm always with a cloud?" Zoe just smiles big and bright and kisses him before they cuddle naked in the bed there in. They watch the water and sky with one beautiful cloud as they drifted off to sleep.

Although their night was done getting hot, two others night was about to get hot as well...

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