All Pain, No Games

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The week has past. Nothing eventful happened at all. No sign of jalina, Mikey hung out with Khaleb and Zoella a day or two, Xaiver has been getting close to this girl he met on a chatroom, Scooter and Frank haven't kept in contact with Zero, but he's fine with it. Zero and his boyfriend are happy. This week will have some big moments though. School starts back in two days. Most of the college freshman class are people that our cast has grown up with and know personally. Tonight is the first football game of the season. Mikey, a blocker, and Khaleb, the new quarterback, are going over plays in gear, when Todd comes into the locker room. "Hey Khaleb, can I have a moment alone?" He asks. Mikey says it's cool and gets up and kisses Todd. "He knows I'm bi. Me and Zoe broke up too." Todd looks suprised but not happy. "Alright. Cool. But ummm.. I still need to talk to you alone." Khaleb hops up. "Tt's fine. I get it. Hey Mikey, don't forget the plays. See you on the field brother." Mikey puts his fist up and simply replies "brother." Todd shoes Mikey the school newspaper. With a headline: Straight A student, cheating for the D. Dean's list student Zoey cloud cheats on boyfriend Mikey Michaels over the summer with best friend Khaleb Kyng. "What the hell is this!?" He punches the locker and leaves it caved in. He just so happened to hit Khaleb's locker and saw a message From Zoe. "Good luck, ILY" he throws the phone puts on his helmet and goes to the field. Todd yells for his name and tells him not to do anything crazy. He doubts Mikey heard or will listen though.

On the field, the first play is called. Mikey doesn't say anything, but Khaleb doesn't realize anything. They line up, Khaleb snaps the ball and.. SACK. No one protected him. Mikey is his defense. The one right in front of Mikey got the hit. Khaleb yells to Mike "hEY, WHERES YOUR HEAD AT MAN!" He snaps the ball again and he lets him past getting another sack. Khaleb gets up pissed. "Yo Mike, WHAT THE HELL!!" Mikey says nothing. Snaps the ball, and Mikey let's another pass. Khaleb breaks the tackle and runs the ball himself. He bumps into Mikey on the way and Mikey is fed up. He charges after khaleb on the field. Both men leave their team and opponents in the dust. When Khaleb stopped Mikey ran through him. Trucking through him sending him flying. Khaleb hits the ground hard. Mikey stands over him "don't ever hit me again." The go to the line for a conversion but something was off. khaleb was on the field but he looked out of it and in deep pain. With his eyes dazed he snapped the ball and on the snap another opponent gets past Mikey and spears Khaleb's ribs. Khaleb can't breath, he's not even moving. Mikey looks back and sees him unconscious and rushes to him. Zoe runs to the sideline not being able to go further. The crowd is silent untill one person sees Zoey and yells "there's the cheater!" The crowd boo her and she runs off. Hiding behind the bleachers when Mikey sees what happened. Khaleb is rushed to the hospital as Zoe runs to get his clothes and follows. Mikey rushes off the field getting to Khaleb's car that Zoey is starting up. When he gets in he apologizes and Zoe cuts him off immediately "REALLY!? YOU'RE FUCKING SORRY!? IF YOU FUCKING DEFENDED HIM HE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN BROKEN IN FUCKING HALF MIKEY!!" In anger he screams back "DONT ACT FUCKING INNOCENT EITHER THOUGHT OKAY!! YOU CHEATED ON ME!" She looked at him shocked. "how did yo-" He screams over her "HOW DID I KNOW? SCHOOL PAPER. How long Zoey? HOW FUCKING LONG!?" With tears streaming down her face she says the night of the party. "That was the beginning Mikey. I'm sorry." He hits the dashboard. "FUCK YOU!! He deserves everything he got tonight. EVERYTHING!" She looked at him pissed at a red light. "What were you doing then huh? All the nights I slept home alone and when I woke up you still weren't there. All the days I cried and Khaleb was the only one cheering me up. All the times I said you and I should be over and Khaleb was the one who said to give you another chance. All the moments you said something wrong and Khaleb helped you without you knowing. Hell, where were you the night of the party? Why didn't you check on your drunk girlfriend and brother huh? Where were you?" He lowered his head. "That night.. I don't know. I don't remember." She chuckles.. that's funny, cause someone who does know where talked to me. His name was James. He was over Todd's house the night of the party. He walked in a room that you were standing in, covered in cum. Not only that, he talked to Todd. Todd said he fucked you the whole night. The same night. Me and Khaleb had sex and regretted it, but didn't stop cause we fell in love. You went to another dudes house and got fucked the entire night while me and him were at a house that didn't belong to us, while we were drunk and had no car." She gets to the hospital and gets out grabbing his clothes and phone. "Go back to the game or something, you're not welcome here. Not right now. You did me wrong too. Oh, and I talked to Xaiver's girlfriend. Your not being blackmailed anymore. You or Zero. But you might wanna get tested. And tell him the same." Xaiver and Kimmy get out of a car with Khaleb's mother. They all run in and Kimmy stops, "I'll be in shortly." She turns to Mikey "I was never gonna reveal your secret. But after I saw how far back your lies were, I told Zoella." She runs back twords the hospital. Mikey gets in Khaleb's car and drove off.

Zoey, frantically holding onto Khaleb's hand as they rush him to the emergency room, is speaking to him telling him to hang on, don't leave, you'll be fine. The others are at the front desk checking in when Zoe comes back. "Hello Ms kyng. Hes in the E.R. they say it'll take about an hour." As she cries into her arms, she explains that khaleb and Zoe are now together. "It's about time. I always knew you two would end up together." Ms Kyng smiles and kisses Zoella's head. "Just hang in there baby. He's fine, he's okay. You've got to be strong for him right now." An hour later a doctor comes into the waiting room. "I'm sorry to worry you all, he's fine. Stable, breathing correctly, a few scars, but surgery was a success. If you all like to see him you can. Zoella moved faster than anyone to see him. When she sees him waving she grabs hold to him not letting go "your crushing me Zo-Zo" she lets him go a bit and says "I told you to never call me that." They chuckle together while Zoey still has tears forming up. He wipes them away and kisses her head, then kisses her tenderly. "I love you sky" she says. "I love me too, and I love you Cloud."

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