An Unexpected Arrival

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We were driving, it was a beautiful day and we had all taken off work to go to the football game.

Dallas vs The Eagles in the AT&T stadium in Arlington.

Everything was perfect.

That was until a truck came into view on the wrong side of the street, the flatbread who was driving swerved but that didn't stop the collision from happening.

The impact was enough to whip my head around, I looked toward my mom trying to get to her, trying to help there was fire near her. I was so scared but my body wouldn't move.

Father pulled her then me out of the burning SUV. Medics were coming I could hear them I prayed to a god that I don't believe in that they would get here in time.

I still couldn't move when the EMT's got there but I felt my body being lifted an put onto the gurney, the ride to the hospital seemed short to me.

When the doctors checked me out they talked but none of it was directed to me, I was put in the ICU and when they finally let my parents come in I was happy to see that mom only had a few scratches like dad and that she was fine.

The doctor spoke, "she is unresponsive and in a coma. She may never wake up."


--unknown person's pov--

I left early that morning to go and collect herbs, I had already made breakfast for milord and help him get ready.

The Prince planned on spending the day with his Knights trainning, many things have been happening lately with the King Uther falling ill, the Princess and her mischief, and the Prince who had just return from a battle with his Knights.

I was along with the Prince to battle since I am his aid.

I feel more like the baby sitter I wish I could tell the Prince about all I do for him but if I let my secret out I would be killed.

I am a wizard, all powerful and still a servant.

Don't get me wrong I only do this because of Arthur, Arthur Pendragon, the Prince and someone who wishes to see everyone free.

Yet his father doesn't share this view, the King wants all witches, warlocks, and anything else he doesn't understand to be killed.

That why I hide who I am.

I come out here to collect herbs, but really I wish to talk to my best friend and mentor.

I walked until I got close to the old cottage where my mentor lived, he was an old man by the name of Alden, which means old protector, funny how things like that work out in then end, since he is my protector, teacher, and greatest friend.

--main pov--

I woke up in a field, literally the middle of no where.

Getting up I'm thankful that the clothes of a black tee shirt with the Texans logo and jeans with tennis shoes were still on my feet.

I check my back pocket to see if my new IPhone is still there in its Daryl Dixon Hello Kitty case.


I wonder if this is heaven or maybe purgatory, I'm not sure if I was good enough to get to heaven or not.

This can't be Hell.

I know enough of the bible to know that Hell isn't a field with a stream and a forest off into the distance, the vibe is far to serene for it to be Hell.

Well there isn't anything here so I better walk and see if I can find someone, anyone, so maybe they can call my parents.

I head off my thoughts wandering to who won the football game instead of concentrating on the task ahead of me.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now