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Recap: As I get finished I hear, "You still sing beautifully."

I turn and see Merlin standing there like he just woke up and he hasn't been gone all this time. They must have moved across the miles from over the hill to the castle in the night. Merlin looked ragged, his clothes were torn and his face was dirty. He looked like he had been through hell and back, but he was back.

His face dropped when he saw the baby. "Um, no this is Mordred, Morgan Le Fay's child, son of Arthur." I said.

"Oh, where is Morgan le Fay?" Merlin asked as he took the seat next to me.

"Dead, she died giving birth to the heir of Pendragon."

"I see, and Uther?" Merlin asked.

"Better, much better but he still acts sick to get of his duties from time to time. I take care of him and Mordred, Alden helps me sometimes but as you know he has his healer work to do." I said leaning my head into his shoulder, I'm so glad he's back just being near his warmth makes me happy.

Not that the calm would last long. We only had ten minutes together before Arthur was calling Merlin down to help him with his prize, I followed curious since Merlin wouldn't tell me anything. I had a tiny hunch of what was going on but I wasn't entirely right on the matter.

When we reached the courtyard I was surprised to see a beautiful woman in a cage. This must be Guinevere I thought as I watched Arthur look at her. He no longer had a use for me which meant I was no longer at the other end of his gaze. Arthur didn't even notice the child in my arms nor did he question that the child had his eyes. Arthur's gaze and attention was solely on the Saxon woman lock in a cage, the object of victory to be forever the spoils of war.

Arthur needed Merlins help with the Saxon men, there were to many of them to go into the jails below the castle. This lead to the discussion of what to do with the men. Several suggestions were thrown around like kill them, tie them all up, make them slaves, set them to a job and the worse idea of all was to torture them.

I kept my mouth shut since Arthur wasn't exactly my fan right now and to be quite honest I was scared of the young man before me, and I was scared for the way he would run his country. Finally someone made he suggestion to let them go but that was quickly dismissed and by rule of Prince Arthur the prisoners were sent to work to help rebuild houses with a score of guards to keep them in line.

Guinevere in the cage was livid. She became a mad woman hanging from the bar, trying desperately to bend them with her own minuet strength. She did not succeed in doing this however she only succeeded in rubbing her hands raw causing blisters and soars to open up. Upon seeing this I moved over to her and pulled out an ointment that would help her. I set Mordred on the ground and took some of the salve onto my hand and took hers off the bars and rubbed them around my own making sure the ointment got onto all of her wounds.

This was when Arthur noticed the child and exclaimed, "who is this?"

"Mordred, sir son of Morgan le Fay who perished in the birth." I phage Arthur a nod and bow.

"Who's the father?" He asked seriously as of it could be anyone but himself.

"You sire." I said looking down the second I noticed his eyes alight with rage. I picked up the child and headed towards the king's hall where I knew Uther was waiting. I didn't like Uther but Uther want the child to be Arthur's heir which meant he wouldn't let Arthur harm him.

Arthur followed closely behind me, it seemed as if he was chasing me. I didn't know for sure but I wasn't about to slow down to find out. Something's are better left unknown in this world and Arthur's thoughts and schemes was not something I was wanting to know. The footsteps behind me sent a chill down my spin as I walked into the large hall. I was happy when I saw Uther upon his high throne smiling at me as I entered, his face fell when he saw the state I was in and who I was moving so fast away from. But he recovered quickly and smiled for Arthur.

"My son, welcome back and congratulations on your victory."Uther said.

"Father, it's a pleasure. I brought back the Saxon Queen and my wife if you will approve of the match." Arthur said.

"I will consider it. Where is the Queen?"

"In the cage. I will bring her to see you soon."

"Son, I will caution you, I know you like to conquer your women but the Saxon woman might kill you in your sleep. Are you willing to risk it?" Uther said trying to persuade him against this folly.

"Father you should see her. She's beautiful." Arthur said not answering the question.

"Beauty isn't everything though son. Will talk about this later, for now see your son shower, eat, and relax for a while." Uther said.

With that Arthur turned and left the hallway without giving a second look towards the child or me. Uther gave me a sympathetic look sad I turned to follow Arthur back outside to find Merlin or Alden. I didn't get that far. After the third turn I was face to face with Arthur.

"So your taking care of the child?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm taking care of your child." I said with defiance in my tone.

"Good, I'll see you later." Arthur said with a smile and a peck on the cheek before I could move away.

A Journey Through Time (unedited)     -Time Slipping Away Chronicles Volume 1-Where stories live. Discover now