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San furrowed his brows at his phone. Yunho noticed as the two walked down the hall together.

"What's wrong?" Yunho asked curiously.

"Did you see Jongho's comment on my post?" San asked.

Yunho shook his head no. "Why?"

"Hongjoong commented that the intermission is almost over, and Jongho commented an up arrow."

"But Jongho's not even at the play..?"


Yunho joined San in the furrowing of his brows.

"I'm confused." Yunho admitted.

"Same here." San replied.

Yunho shrugged as the boys continued walking back to the auditorium. Yunho realizes that they hadn't mentioned the play to Jongho, which he knows Jongho could be upset about. It's not that the group wanted to leave him out, it's just that everyone was bringing someone else. It never really came up with Jongho, so Yunho didn't think to ask him. He doesn't really see it as a big deal. San, however, does. San starts to chew on his bottom lip as his thoughts take over. Jongho admitted to San that he liked Mingi "first" and that it wasn't fair for Yunho to be hanging out with him all the time. He worries that Jongho might be up to something.

Unfortunately, San is correct.

Directly after Yunho and San left to go to the bathroom, Mingi noticed a familiar face coming towards the row of seats he's in. Jongho has a friendly smile plastered across his face as he approaches. He had decided to come see the school play because his choir teacher offered extra credit to anyone who went to see it.  Though he doesn't really need the extra credit, he figured he has nothing better to do anyways. His friends didn't ask him to hang out, so he just assumed they were all busy.

He can see now that they were all busy seeing the play without him. Jongho saw the group before the play began, and his feelings were quite hurt. He couldn't even pay much attention to the play because he felt so angry and confused. He didn't understand why they didn't invite him. And also, why the fuck does Yunho have his arm around Mingi? If Jongho was a cartoon character, his face would be red and smoke would be coming out if his ears. He decided to go up to the group at intermission, not to confront them, but to make them aware that he is there. That way, they will know that he knows they left him out, and they'll (hopefully) feel guilty.

"Hey, Jongho," Mingi stood to greet him.

Jongho nearly melted at Mingi's warm smile.

"Hey," Jongho greeted back, "I didn't know all of you were coming to the play."

Hongjoong finally noticed Jongho standing there, and he gulped.

"It was kind of a last minute thing," Hongjoong lied to try to spare the boys feelings.

"Last minute?" Wooyoung interjected, "We made these plans like a week ago."

Hongjoong glared at him.

"Well actually," Seonghwa spoke up, "You and San planned to come a week ago. Hongjoong and I decided on coming a few days ago. Mingi and Yunho were the last ones to decide to come. The planning was kind of all over the place."

Hongjoong smiled at him, while Wooyoung rolled his eyes. Jongho wasn't convinced, but he decided to just play it off.

"Oh, well it doesn't really matter. We're all here now," Jongho faked a smile.

"You should just sit here with us," Mingi offered.

Jongho nodded and sat down next to Mingi. Mingi paused for a moment, pondering whether to tell him that Yunho was sitting there or not.

"Oh, Mingi," Jongho's voice interuoted Mingi's thoughts.

"Hmm?" Mingi questioned.

"You're shoe is untied. I got it."

Before Mingi could say anything, Jongho was on his knees in front of him, tying his shoe for him. Mingi's eyes grew wide at the younger. Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Wooyoung all glanced at each other with shocked expressions. Mingi didn't know what to say; he's just speechless at the moment. It's very strange to tie someone else's shoe, especially when you weren't asked to. Mingi doesn't really know how to feel.

However, Yunho knows how to feel. He's  p i s s e d. When he saw Jongho kneeling on the ground in front of Mingi, he saw red. San gasped when he saw it, and he immediately grabbed Yunho's arm.

"I'm gonna kill him," Yunho spat.

"Nooo, don't do that. Calm down," San tried to soothe him, "He's just tying his shoe. It's nothing serious."

"He's on his knees for Mingi... Jongho's not stupid. You know he's insinuating something else." Yunho fumed.

"You're just overthinking it. C'mon, let's go."

The two approached the rest of the group who looked just as shocked as they are. Mingi glanced at Yunho and then nervously back to Jongho. Mingi still doesn't know what to say. Wanting the shoe tying situation to end now, Yunho cleared his throat obnoxiously. Jongho looked up and was caught in the fire in Yunho's eyes.

"Hey, Jongo. I didn't know you were here," Yunho greeted with hidden attitude.

"Yeah," Jongho finished tying Mingi's shoe and stood up, "I didn't know all of you were here either."

There was a moment of silence as the two stared each other down. You could practically feel the tension between Yunho and Jongho.

"Well, it's great that you're here, Jongho!" San tried to sound as cheery as possible, "Do you like the play so far?"

Jongho broke the prolonged eye contact with Yunho, and softened his eyes to respond to San.

"I really like it actually," Jongho responded honestly, "That main character guy is really talented."

"That's our friend, Yeosang!" Mingi blurted.

He and his friends are actually really proud of Yeosang for getting the lead in the play. They even planned on taking him out to dinner afterwards to celebrate it.

"Well, you should tell him he's amazing," Jongho said.

"You can tell him yourself.  He's coming out to dinner with all of us afterwards. You're welcome to come too," Mingi said.

Wooyoung nearly facepalmed. He is no genius, but even he could feel the tension between Yunho and Jongho. He knows Mingi can be a bit oblivious, but he didn't think the boy could be that stupid. Wooyoung glanced at Seonghwa, who's expression resembles the "😬" emoji. Seonghwa just wished Mingi was better equipped at 'reading the room' before he made decisions. Mingi's never been good at social cues or anything of that matter.

Jongho smiled and nodded, "I'd love to come!"

Yunho thinks his head might explode. He can't believe that Jongho is trying to mess up things with him and Mingi yet again. Not to mention, Jongho just sat down next to Mingi, in YUNHO'S SEAT. Yunho was about to flip out, when the lights dimmed, signaling that the second half of the show is starting. San tugged Yunho's sleeve.

"You can sit in between Wooyoung and Mingi," San whispered, "I'll sit on the end, next to Jongho."

"No, San, you should sit with Wooyoung. It's fine. I'll sit here on the end." Yunho whispered back.

He appreciates San's offer, however, he knows that wouldn't be fair. San deserves to sit with his boytoy. Yunho just wishes he could too.


I'm baaaaackkk. Spring break is next week so I'll be updating again shortly. The next chapter will be written out, like this one, because some stuff is about to go down 😈Thanks for your patience!! ❤️❤️❤️


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