Chapter 1 - Trouble

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Trouble - Cage the Elephant

TW for:
-Anxiety attacks

It was a normal day to Sal -- well, as normal as you can get in Nockfell. He sighed as he stood, going to his wardrobe and dressing in a black sweater with some matching black, ripped jeans. He slid on some red converse to top it off, deciding to put his hair up in a ponytail for today. Mix it up a little, he thought with a small chuckle to himself. He slid his prosthetic on afterwards, clicking the straps in the back. He picked up his phone, already seeing a text from Larry, telling him that he was waiting downstairs to walk with him.

He smiled, checking in his dad's room to see him passed out. The stench of alcohol was strong and he rolled his eyes, going out and to the elevator. He pressed the button, leaning against his backpack as he waited. After what seemed like an eternity, he stepped out of the elevator and smiled when he spotted his friend outside the doors.

He pushed the doors open, greeting Larry with a yawn. Larry laughed, "not much sleep last night, little dude?" he asked.

Sal shrugged, not wanting to admit that he had another nightmare and didn't call Larry. "A little. Forgot my sleeping meds. No biggie, I'll just be sure to take them tonight." he said, waving him off. Larry sighed a little, "How many nights is it gonna take to make you remember?" he asked softly, shaking his head.

Sal bumped his shoulder against him, "Till I get a memory longer than that of a pigeon." he laughed. It got a chuckle out of Larry, which made Sal happy. He didn't like Larry being all serious -- it just made him nervous for some reason.

They chatted as they finally got to the school, and Sal sighed, "guess this is where we part Larbear. See you second period." he said. They waved to each other as Sal went to his locker, getting his books. He rolled his eyes as he saw a familiar purple sweater walk over to him.

"Hey, fag! You thought you could get away from me?! Where's your little guard dog?" He asked. Sal simply sighed, "Travis, it's too early for this shit." He muttered.

Travis growled in frustration, shoving him down hard. Sal winced a bit, looking up just in time for his cheek to meet Travis's fist, yelping in surprise. Travis simply smirked, "there's more where that came from, you freak. Just wait." He warned before walking to his own class, shooting Sal one last glare before disappearing into the classroom.

Sal shook his head, picking up his books and hurrying to his class, barely making it in time as the bell rang. He went to his seat in the back, getting his book and notebook out before leaning back, stretching and yawning before looking forward, trying his best to pay attention in this class.

Despite his best efforts, he felt himself nod off, his head on the desk.


It was storming, mud under his feet. Where was he? Sal looked around, confused and disoriented. He started walking forward, the wind from the storm threatening to blow him back. He covered his face with his hands, his mask trying to tug free. It was in vain, the clasps giving way and his hands too slick to hold onto it. He gasped, covering his scarred face and looking back to find the prosthetic. It was gone, disappearing in the dark.

He turned to keep going, but bumped into Larry. He looked up at him, hoping that he'd help him find the mask, but finding only a dark expression on Larry's face.

"No wonder you wear a mask. You're fucking hideous." he spat, shaking his head. Sal took a step back, covering his face as much as he could, "L-Larry, I... I thought you'd--"

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