Chapter 2 - Under Your Scars

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Under Your Scars - Godsmack


Lunchtime had rolled around quickly, and Sal was grateful. He needed a break after trying to pay attention in his classes, still feeling quite off from the nightmare earlier.

The cafeteria was bustling with people, and Sal grabbed his tray and headed to his table quickly, trying not to brush against anyone. His touch sensitivity was driving him insane today -- even the feeling of his sweater against his skin was making his brain go haywire.

He sat down at his usual table, the rest of the crew was already sitting and talking amongst themselves. Once he sat, Larry turned to give him a gap-toothed smile.God, Sal loved that smile. It always made him feel better.

"Hey Sally Face!" he said, turning the rest of his body to face him. "Are you feeling any better? You seemed pretty spacey in class..." he said with concern. Larry could tell his friend wasn't feeling up to par today, though he didn't expect him to after the bathroom incident.

Sal thought about just saying he was fine, but he couldn't even fake it today. He shook his head, "Not really... Everything's too loud, and.... Just feeling overwhelmed..." he sighed, massaging his temple. Larry nodded in understanding, then leaned forward a bit, "how about skipping? We could just hang out in my room, or the treehouse. Complete quiet, just us." he suggested. Larry knew how Sal's anxiety could be, especially since he admitted he didn't take his medication last night. He wagered he didn't take them this morning, either.

Sal pushed the food around his tray as he thought, then shrugged, "Yeah... anything's better than here..." he said, nodding. Larry nodded, then motioned to his tray. Sal made a face under his mask and shook his head, deciding he definitely didn't want any of the mush that was on his tray.

They both stood and Larry leaned to Todd, quietly explaining the situation without too many details. Todd gave a nod, "Hope you feel better, Sal." he said with a small wave as Sal went to toss his tray, waiting for Larry before they slid out of the cafeteria and down the halls, finally out the front doors.

The fresh air helped clear Sal's head a bit, but he still felt wound up. He didn't like skipping school very often, but he couldn't deal with it today. He'd already felt another panic attack coming on if he'd had to go to math class. He already didn't understand half of what was going on in that chapter, and he definitely wouldn't have understood it today.

The walk to the apartments was quiet, Larry didn't want to disturb the silence. Sal seemed to appreciate it, keeping his eyes on the ground. He only looked up once they got to the apartments, following Larry inside to the elevator. The music was quiet, thankfully, and they made their way to Larry's room once the elevator was down.

Once inside, Sal tossed his bag on the ground, sitting on one of the bean bag chairs, letting out a long breath. He watched as Larry set his stuff down and stretched, "Wanna stay here or head to the treehouse?" he asked, looking at Sal.

Sal thought for a moment. While the fresh air had been nice, it was chilly outside. "Here is fine." he said after considering. Larry nodded, "In that case, I'm just gonna paint, alright? Like I said, all quiet." he smiled, grabbing some paint.

Sal nodded, leaning back and closing his eyes. His mask felt uncomfortable, suffocating almost, but after the nightmare he was apprehensive to show Larry his face. He'd hid it for years now, and he was sure that Larry had seen a peek or two, but never the full damage. He wondered if his nightmare was accurate, but there would only be one way to find out.

He sat up a bit more, looking at Larry, "Hey... Lar?" he asked quietly. Larry looked at him, tilting his head in question. Sal took a deep breath, "Even if my face were... absolutely horrifying, you'd still be my friend... right?" he asked quietly, playing with the bottom of his sweater nervously.

Larry chuckled quietly, "What a weird question. Of course I would, Sally Face." he said, setting his painting supplies down. "Looks don't matter. Plus I doubt it's horrifying. Probably looks cool as hell." he said with a grin.

Sal felt his cheeks heat up as he hesitated, then reached around and unclipped the clasps on his mask. He held it in place for a moment before slowly lowering it, looking up at Larry. It was easier to breathe in reality, but in his mind it felt as if a huge weight was on his chest. He just hoped what Larry said had been true.

Larry was a bit shocked at the action, looking over his features, then nodded. "Yep. Just as I thought," he said, then grinned, "badass as fuck."

Sal blinked, then smiled brightly. Larry didn't hate him. It was the opposite. It felt like a huge breath of relief, and his anxiety seemed to dissolve immediately. It felt like all the tension that had settled in throughout the day had just disappeared.

Larry still liked him. He wasn't going to leave him. That's all he needed to know.


Once he needed to head home, Larry walked with him to the elevator. He held his mask in his hand, feeling a bit more comfortable with it off now. He felt normal for once, thanks to Larry. He hadn't stared, hadn't made anymore comments. Sal really appreciated Larry, even more so after today.

He turned and gave him a smile once he was in the elevator, "I'll see ya around, Larry Face." he said, pressing the button for his floor. Larry glanced back for a moment, then leaned and pressed his lips against Sal's scarred cheek, leaning back after with a soft smile.

"See ya around, Sally Face." he said quietly as the elevator doors closed. It left a stunned Sal inside, his cheeks flushing brightly as he touched his cheek where Larry had kissed. He felt a smile creep onto his lips as he clipped his mask back on.

Maybe Larry felt the same way he did. He wouldn't push it, but the idea itself was magical to Sal.


A/N: Hope you like this chapter <3

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