Chapter 1- Final Preparations

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AN: Warning- Mild Swearing

23rd May, 2020

*Ring* *Ring*

*Ring* *Ring*

The incessant ringing of a video phone broke the relatively tranquil atmosphere of the house on the warm, stifling Saturday afternoon.

With the spring coming to a close, the warmth of the summer was finally making itself known. Grass and Fire types could be seen frolicking in the meadows and forests. The sea breeze provided the only respite for the islands' other inhabitants from the blistering heat of the Alolan sun.

With a groan, a young man with messy brown hair that rose up in spikes hefted himself up from the couch on which he had been snoozing, to silence the ungodly din.

"Hello, Gary Oak speaking," said the man, while fighting off a yawn as he picked up the receiver, leaving the video off for the time being.

"Hey Gary, it's Steven Stone, how're you doing?"

"Um...quite well thanks Steven, why? What's up?" questioned the Pokémon professor in training, confused as to why the Hoenn Champion had interrupted his Saturday afternoon nap.

"Well pardon me for asking, but I seem to recall that last meeting, we had agreed to hold one final conference today with all the champions, professors and important officials, to go over things one last time before the tournament," replied the trainer with a casual tone.

"Well yeah but that isn't till 3," Gary dismissively stated looking down at his watch....
....which showed the time to be 3:10pm.

"SHIT!" yelled the grandson of the famous professor as he jumped to his feet, slammed down the receiver and rushed upstairs shouting, "ASHY-BOY, we overslept it's 3:10, we're late for the meeting!" he proclaimed, bounding up the stairs three at a time and pounding on the door to one of the bedrooms.


Letting out a grunt of frustration, the man proceeded back downstairs and outside to the patio which consisted of a little rectangular area with wooden flooring and a couple of chairs looking out to the backyard with its greenery.

As expected, a multitude of Pokémon could be seen in the large meadow playing, training and racing. Gary made out a group of flying types racing around the island with a Pidgeot in the lead until it was overtaken by a red blur. On the ground, an Ivysaur was busy breaking up a fight between an Arcanine and an Oshawott.

But Gary was looking for a particular Pokémon in the horde, upon hearing a soft "Chuuuu" coming from his left, he noticed a small yellow rodent with a lighting bolt for a tail, curled up in one of the chairs, fast asleep.

'Like trainer, like Pokémon,' Gary thought before prodding the electric mouse awake.

The Pikachu's eyes were quick to snap open as he took a second to gain his bearings before looking at his trainer's best friend curiously.

"Sorry for waking you Pikachu, but I need you to wake Ash up, we're late for the meeting and you know how he is when he's asleep," implored Gary.

Pikachu nodded with a sigh, his trainer was famous for being tone deaf the moment his head touched a pillow. There was only one way to wake him up.


A few minutes and one loud, undignified scream later, Ash emerged from his room looking like he had tried and failed to make himself look presentable.

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