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"So, we're basically running off a band of Raiders for lunch money?" Cara quizzed as her, Mando, Asra and the child sat in the trailer with the supplies.

"They're quartering us in the middle of nowhere." Mando explained. "Last I checked, that's a pretty square deal for somebody in your position. Worst case scenario, you tune up your blaster. Best case, we're a deterrent. I can't imagine there's anything living in these trees that an ex-shock trooper couldn't handle."

"We will be fine, they are innocent farmers." Asra hummed, pulling her cape closer around her. Cara fell asleep first leaving Asra and Mando to try and keep the child quiet.

"You go to sleep, I'll keep watch." He told her. Asra happily lay down, cuddling the child close as its eyes grew heavy. She placed her head on the Mandalorians shoulder and smiled when she felt his arm wrap around her waist and pull her closer.

They all woke up when the trailer came to a sudden stop, the sun harshly beaming down on them. The child was already awake and had crawled out of Asra's arms.

"Well, looks like they're happy to see us." The bounty hunter mused, watching as children ran up to the trailer to see the Child. He ignored the smirk Cara sent him as Asra moved out of his arms, stretching her back.

"Looks like." Cara smiled to herself when the children all cooed at the child, it seeming happy with all the attention. As Asra jumped off the trailer, she stumbled forwards but Mando grabbed her and stabilised her. She mumbled a small "thank you" before distracting herself to hide the blush.

They began to unload and one woman came to greet them, offering to show them to their lodging. Asra picked up the child and followed after the woman she learnt to called Omera, Mando trailing behind.

"I hope this is comfortable for you. Sorry that all we have is the barn." Omera apologised, opening up the window to shed light into the barn.

"This will do fine." Asra smiled, putting the child on a crate.

"I stacked some blankets over here." The woman pointed to the large stack of blankets.

"Thank you. That's very kind." He said gratefully. The healer giggled when she saw a girl trying to sneak up on Omera. The Mandalorian heard someone creeping into the barn and spun around, his blaster raised.

"Mando!" Asra grabbed his arm and roughly pushed it down, noticing the scared girl hide behind the wall.

"This is my daughter, Winta." Omera introduced her daughter who was fearfully clinging on to her mother. "We don't get a lot of visitors around here. She's not used to strangers. This nice man is going to help protect us from the bad ones."

"Thank you." Winta meekly thanked the bounty hunter.

"Come on, Winta. Let's give our guests some room." Omera dragged her daughter out the room.

"Amd here I was thinking you would be a great father but then you go and pull your blaster out on a little girl." Asra teased, nudging his side before grabbing the blankets. "I'll sleep on the ground, you deserve a decent bed."

"No, you sleep on the bed." He argued, grabbing the blankets off her.

"I said it first." She did not let go of the blankets and pulled them closer to her, catching him off guard. He fell forwards causing Asra to loose her balance too, the pair going crashing to the ground.

Mando placed his hand on the back of her head, stopping it from hitting the ground. The two stayed like that, both in shock. Asra blushed heavily, her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. He wished he was not wearing his helmet so he could kiss her, feel her soft lips against his.

"At least close the door, there are children running around." A voice laughed from the doorway. The pair looked to find Cara standing with her arms crossed, a huge smirk on her lips.

"Its not what it looks like." Asra rushed out, her and Mando stumbling to their feet. "I'm going to get some food." The healer quickly ran out the barn, dropping the blankets on the ground on her way out.

"I thought you two were only bounty hunter and healer? Didn't know you were together." Cara teased, laughing when she noticed Asra's cheeks go redder.

"We are just that."

"Not anymore. I mean you two are raising a child together, something was bound to happen." The two women sat down on two chairs and quietly ate their food, Cara's words haunting her thoughts.

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