Chapter 2.

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You can see our protagonist is walking under the bridge. He wasn't paying attention to his surrounding much so he didn't notice a greenish slime was moving towards him.

"Nothing personal kid. I need to borrow your body for a bit" as greenish slime said rushes at him. Before he could touch him there was invisible barrier around him. Then suddenly he was pushed back with powerful force before even he could react.

Because of powerful force he was pushed away he was exploded to bits. Now you can see under the bridge there was bits of a greenish slime everywhere.

Then suddenly a voice shouted "Don't worry! Why? Because I am... here?" As new arrival looked around only to see a villain he was chasing exploded everywhere. And he looks at Izuku impressed and surprised.

He was impressed that how easy he dealt with him. But what is most surprising thing was there was no dirt or a bit of villain piece on him. Like he was didn't here from beginning.

"My boy you defeated a villain very well. But don't forget you can't use your quirk without license!" As he said he saw him without care walking away. He didn't think that this teenager ignore him. Most of time people would go crazy when he is in public place. He shook his head and looks back at a villain. He probably should capture him while his knocked out.

Now back to our protagonist...

'I should have go with Katsuki.' As he thought sighed little bit "I'm fucking bored" he thought out loud. Right before he turns around there was an explosion. Now this caught his attention. He starts walking towards where was an explosion.

Few minutes before...

"Now I can give this to at police station" All might said before he realised he lost the villain. Panic quickly covers his body before he shouts in his mind. 'SHIIIIIT!'

Back to present...

There was small crowds where was an explosion. Also including three heroes trying to get citizen away from the villain. Front of them was the sludge villain with ash blonde haired boy.

"Nice quirk you got there. You really saved me pal" as sludge villain happily said. Bakugou was trying to get away from him but it was impossible. Also not to mention he was lacking oxygen. If this keeps going on he might really die.

One of the heroes said "We need a hero who has quirk that's suited for this situati-" before he could finish his sentence. There was footsteps. In normal situation you don't  find this odd. But the footsteps was getting closer to the villain.

Play the music

"Wow i really found something interesting here. Walking all way here was worth it huh?. So Katsuki how the hell did you get caught?" He didn't get response. Now looking closely he saw sludge villain was cowering his half of the face.

"IT'S YOU! THIS TIME I'M GONNA KILL YOU-" Sludge villain said but he was interrupted by Izuku.

"Do I know you because I never met ugly creature like you in my life" this made villain very mad. The sludge villain controls Bakugou and uses his quirk to attack at him. People looked away Heroes shouts at him 'Get away' or 'move' but Izuku didn't even tried to move.

An explosion made it's way to where Izuku was. There was a dust everywhere blocking everyone's view. Everyone thought he was blown away by the explosion. But their attention was brought up by laughter. As dust cleared away they saw Izuku standing still no wound or even single scratch on him.

"You seriously thought you could beat me because your controlling his body?" As he said he starts cracking his neck. "It's true that his quirk can give me hard times to deal with it. But that doesn't mean I will lose by some cheap villain like you when you don't know how to use that quirk well!" He yells and a grin appeared on his face.

He raises his leg little bit before he kicks the ground. He activated his quirk when he kicks the ground. Leaving crack on the ground where he was standing. His body was rushing at the sludge villain. The sludge villain couldn't react because how fast he travelled with distance like that. He tried to use Bakugou's quirk at him but he was interrupted by voice behind him.

"Too slow" before he could turn around he was blow away. Also he was separated from Bakugou. While Bakugou was catching his breath, crowds even heroes amazed how he defeated the villain by simple flick. While All might was watches him with another surprised expression. 'He could have been candidate to carry one for all'

Stop the music

"Man that was so lame. He couldn't even withstand it. Well I didn't expected more than that from a cheap villain like him" Izuku said it before he looks at Bakugou "Let's go. Before they swarm at us." He said to him. As Bakugou nodded at him.

So two boys started walks away from crowd. Heroes tried to stop them and scold them for how reckless it was well it mostly for Izuku. But two of them didn't care.

Some time later...

"Damn I wanna kill that damn booger!" As angry chihuahua reminding boy yells. Walking beside him Izuku ignored the ash blonde and continued walk.

"Well thanks for earlier i guess. Though I didn't need your help" as Bakugou said it if another person saved him his pride wouldn't allow him to say things like that. But it was different he knew Izuku from childhood. So he didn't mind it.

"Yeah yeah keep telling yourself that." Izuku said. After that both of them separates and walks to their home.

While Izuku was entering to his home he thought how annoying it will be when Misaka finds out what happened today. He sighed and goes to his room.

And this is where chapter 2 ends.
Welp next chapter will be about entrance exam! So till then ja ne!

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