Chapter 4.

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There was our white haired protagonist lying down on his bed with his eyes closed and listening music with a black earphone. Suddenly his door opens up there was loud thud sound. He turns to see his mom holding a letter with 'UA high school' written on it.

"It's here! A letter from UA!" As she said happily she gives the letter to him and leaves him alone in his room. Izuku gets up and grabs the letter then he opened up and he saw a circular object. As he was about to touch it. A hologram screen turns on.

There was all might in golden yellow suit. "I am here as a presentation!!" 'Do you really have to say it like that?' As Izuku thought with sweatdrop. "You have been passed written text with flying score!! And same thing could be said with on practical test!! But not only from getting points from faux villains!" Last sentence made him wonder what did he mean by that "There was hiding test. Inspiring acts of selflessness in others. What kind of hero school would we be if we ignored an ability like that? That's why there's a secret component to the practical exam Rescue Points!!!" 'Rescue points huh? Come to think about it. This must be from that girl' as he was thinking about the zero pointer then he saw score board as All might finished talking.

He was first with 82 villain point and 60 rescue points. He then looks at others. He saw Bakugou's name under him. Making him 2nd place with 94 villain points and no rescue points. Then there was Misaka on 3rd place 54 villain points 23 rescue points. And there was guy named Ejiro Kirishima 39 villain points 35 rescue points. He then turned off it and leans back to his chair while stretching his arms. He sees his mother opens up his door and starts asking "Well what was the result?" "I got in" as he replied it his mother rushes in towards him giving him bone crushing hug "My baby finally grown up!" "I can't... breathe..!" "Sorry about that Izuku. I was just so happy for you!" He sighed at this when it comes to his parent he can't do nothing about it.

Time skip...

Now we can see Izuku dressed up ready to go to school. As he was about to leave his home. His mother called out "Did you get everything you need?" "Yeah I got it." He replied it. "Well then good luck on your first day" as his mother said he only waved his hand at her without looking at her before leaving his home.

Time skip--->

'Seriously this place is like fucking maze!!' He thought before spotting classroom 1A door 'Finally!' He opened the door and looks around for bit before noticing Bakugou was... well being Bakugou. He sighed as he started walking. Blue haired male from other day spotted him and comes towards him. 'Well here comes trouble' as he thought

"Hello I'm Tenya Iida I'm fro-" "Don't bother i kinda overheard from conversation you had with Katsuki" as he said now known as Iida nodded. "Midoriya you perceived true nature of that practical test. While I did not. I misjudged you! I hate to admit it but you are superior candidate" "Aahh? I didn't perceive anything" as Iida was about to say something girl from exam called out for him while pointing at him

"Ah! That white messy hair! You are the plain looking boy. I'm Uraraka Ochako and thanks for saving me from zero pointer" a certain chestnut from other side of classroom was looking at them. Izuku was about to say something he saw something on floor. "Is that a giant caterpillar?" He thought out loud making everyone's attention to turn to out new arrival.

The man was drinking a juice while looking st him. He finished drinking the juice before saying "8 seconds. It took you all 8 seconds to quiet down. Time is precious and you just wasted mine" as he said he unzipped the sleeping bag and he gets up start walking to front of the class. He was wearing a ragged black outfit that consists of a long-sleeved shirt and matching pants that tuck into his boots. He was also wearing a utility belt and scarf.

"I'm Shota Aizawa and I'm your hometown teacher. Nice to meet you" as he said he reached inside his sleeping bag and pulled out a blue uniform with white lettering and red trim, "Put these on and meet me out on the practice field."

At the practice field...

Everyone changed their clothes and now was wearing UA high school gym uniform. As everyone arrived Aizawa started talking "Alright. Since you're all finally here, we can start the Quirk Apprehension Test." The class gathered at the practice field all sweatdropped.

"A test... of our quirks?!" As one of the classmates said. Uraraka asked from teacher "What about the entrance ceremony or guidance sessions?" As she was saying Aizawa cut her off saying "No time to waste on that stuff if you want to become heroes." He turned around and looked at them "UA is known for freestyle education system that applies to us teachers as well" everyone was quiet.

"Soft ball throwing, the standing long jump, the 50 meters dash, endurance running, grip strength, side to side stepping, upper body training, seated toe touch. You did all these in middle school yes? Your standard no quirks allowed gym tests. This country still insists prohibiting quirks when calculating the averages of those records it's not rational. The department of education is just procrastinating." As he finished talking he looked at Izuku and said "Midoriya how far could you throw in middle school?" "About 60 meters" "Great now try it with your quirk. Do whatever you need to. Just don't leave the circle" as he said he handed him a softball before backing away.

'Anything huh?' As he thought he just shakes his head. He didn't need to show them what he can do just yet. So he just used his quirk to increase his strength. And plus accelerating the speed of the softball. It broke through sound barrier making high wind pressure. Everyone couldn't see the softball at all it was like teleported.

Aizawa looked at the phone and saw the result. He surprised at the score but didn't show it. He shows everyone the result and said "It's important for us to know our limits. That's the first rational step to figuring out what kind of heroes you will be" it showed

Everyone was shocked to say. "That's amazing!" "So we can use our quirks like that?" "This is going to fun" then Aizawa starts talking "Fun you say? You're hoping to become heroes after three years here..." everyone was silence no one dared to talk right now, as Aizawa continued to talk "And you think it'll be all fun and games? Alright the one with the lowest score across all eight events will be judged hopeless... and will be expelled" now almost everyone expect from few started panicking.

A grin appeared on Aizawa's face as he looked at them and said "Your fates are in our hands... Welcome this is... The hero course at UA high!!"

And cut!!
Well this it for this chapter.
Stay tuned till next chapter.

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