Hi Readers

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Hello readers! I just wanted to thank those who read this monstrosity of a fanfiction I wrote. Honestly looking back I have no idea what was going on in my head, like things I should have known went right over my head. I apologize for that. 

Anyway I'm writing this to let you know I am currently in the process of rewriting this thing. I hope I can redeem myself with that version. I'll be keeping I guess the structure of the story and just adding to it or taking away parts.

I know I could just fix it in here but I decided to make another book(?) instead. Even though this version makes me cringe so bad I have nightmares about it (kidding) I want to keep it as a memory of sorts. It's my biggest piece of work and yeah. Anyway the first chapter of the rewrite is out and I hope I can do better with that one. 

Lots of Love


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