~F I V E~

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i looked at the note and questioned if it was real.
maybe this was a trick? i thought to myself
i'll ask him at lunch, so i can get actual approval.
i closed and locked my locker and walked to class slowly.


y/n: "hey uh.. alex?"
alex: "y-yeah..?"
y/n: "i found a note in my locker this morning.. did you write it?"
alex looked down
alex: "yeah.. i'm sorry.."
y/n: "no! it's fine i just wanted to know if you actually meant it or not."
alex: "i do."
with that he walked off, clearly trying to hide his face.


i gathered my things into my bag quickly before the bell rang. hopefully the teacher doesn't hold us back this time.
*bell rings*
teacher: "okay class, have a nice night and don't forget to study for the test tomorrow!"
i frowned as i remembered we have a test the next day. i walk out of the classroom without even saying goodbye to my teacher. i saw alex running so i tried my best to catch up to him, but it was too late, he got in his mom's car and left. i was confused. why did he leave so quickly? did he have something to do? was he angry or upset? these questions ran around my head. did i do something wrong? but i decided to just put in my headphones and walk home.


i pull my phone out of my pocket then immediately open discord.
i message his bestfriend, aksel. i haven't talked to him alone before, so this is going to be awkward.

y/n: "hey.. uh.. aksel??"
aksel: "hey y/n, what's up..?"
y/n: "alex left school in quite a hurry. do you know if he's okay?"
aksel: "no i'm not sure, he hasn't messaged me and he's not online. maybe knock on his door?"

i contemplated going to his house or not. we might live on the same street but that's weird, no?
"whatever. it's to make sure he's okay." i said out loud then put my shoes on.

i walked outside towards his house, just down the street.
i get to his door step then start thinking all over again. "what if he doesn't like me" "what if it really was a trick?" i shake those thoughts out of my head and knock on his door.
a few seconds later alex opens the door. i could tell he was crying, it was practically obvious.
"a-alex..?" i said, really concerned.
he didn't reply but instead just covered his face with his hands.
instead of saying his name again i hugged him.
"alex.. why are you upset??"
he wiped his eyes with his sweater and took a few deep breathes.
"y/n... i-i'm convinced t-that you don't like m-me and that this is just a-a joke to you.."
another tear dropped from his eyes.
"alex i've liked you since the first day i met you. yes, i like you back. i love you. you know that." i hug him harder and start to cry too, as that's exactly what i thought was happening, but the other way around.
"come in, y/n, please." alex said
"fine, but only because you're cute." i chuckled and alex laughed back.

Third Person POV

you and alex sat on his couch with a ton of blankets and cuddled eachother. you tried enjoying the movie for as long as you could but you couldn't help but fall asleep in alex's arms. soon after he did too. :)

-time skip-

Your POV
1:53 AM
i wake up to knocking on alex's front door. i get up and shake alex awake. he wakes up and is confused as to what is happening.
"what's going on y/n?" he whispered.
"there's someone knocking on your front door." i said
he gets up and opens it. i walk over to the door and see my mother with a worried expression on her face.

"y/n! why aren't you at home!? i was worried sick!!"

"mom i'm sorry, i was trying to comfort alex but then i fell asleep watching a movie." i said so worried that she would be mad at me.
instead she replied with;
"okay, i'm glad you're safe" and pulled me into a hug. she walks back to my house and closes the door. i guess she's letting me stay here.
"hey alex.. what time is it?" i asked.
"not sure. let me check." he said
"shit, it's 1:43 AM." he whisper-screamed
"fuck. we have a test tomorrow and we BOTH didn't study."

"better get started then.." he said

Third Person POV
you and alex studied for an hour and a half before falling asleep again on the couch together.

tysm for the support, it's amazing. i've been really slow with updating and i'm gonna say that i'm going to be better. i've run out of ideas, so hopefully i'll be getting some soon. (maybe some drama?) we'll see. this is sorta a longer chapter after i've been feeding you guys short ones. but thank you, i love you all. thank you for reading 💛 -Erin

word count: 872 words

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