Team Seven

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A couple days had passed by and all the students had been assigned to their new groups. Chiharu's group was the only one with a team of 4. It consisted of the Uchiha boy, Sakura, Naruto, and herself, an interesting dynamic to say the least. They were currently the last team in the classroom, their designated Jounin was late.

Naruto grabbed an eraser from its spot by the board and began propping it above the door. He was going to teach the team lead a lesson for being late, and he was pretty proud of the idea that came to mind. Sakura, however, wasn't.

"Naruto, he isn't going to fall for that he's a Jounin, tell him Sasuke." Sakura tried and failed to include Sasuke. The Jounin in question walks in on cue and the eraser falls, making him a victim of Naruto's trap. Sakura looks dumbfounded, Sasuke even looks a little shock, though Chiharu seemed indifferent. 

"My first impressions are: I hate you." The Jounin says before having them follow him to the roof. Chiharu hung back a little opting to sit away from the group but still within ear range. The Jounin decided, upon seeing this, that he would sit right next to the girl, much to her dismay. She seemed quite flustered, no one really putting in the effort to take her out of her comfort zone before, she wasn't sure how to feel about it. Chiharu quickly regained her composure before her other team mates could see her in such an exasperated state. The Jounin noticed this, but didn't comment on it, instead choosing to start introductions.

"Why don't we start off with introductions. Things you like, dislike, hobbies, and your goals for the future." The Jounin began to get the group better acquainted with each other. Sakura makes a suggestion.

"Why don't you start first sensei, to show us how it's done." She says scooting a little closer to Sasuke trying not to make it noticeable to the raven-haired boy. At this suggestion, the Jounin takes her up on her offer.

"I am Hatake Kakashi, my likes...I don't feel like telling you that, my dislikes...I don't want to tell you that either. I don't really feel like sharing my goals." He ended with a smile beneath his mask. All in all, the group had learned his name. Naruto decided to go next.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto, I like ramen, especially from Ichiraku's, I dislike the three minutes it takes for the water to boil, my hobbies are eating and comparing ramen, and my dream is to become a Hokage so everyone will finally recognize me." After he finished he sat down, not realizing that he had caught the attention of Chiharu. She found his dream admirable, but also a bit sad. She knew how the village treated him, although she never understood why. Her thoughts were halted when it was Sakura's turn.

"I'm Haruno Sakura, what I like...I mean who I like..." She giggles. Chiharu rolled her eyes already seeing the girl didn't take being a shinobi seriously. "My hobbies are..." She stares at Sasuke, and Chiharu began to find her a bit creepy. "And my dreams for the future are..." Sakura could barely contain herself as the obsessive thoughts became too much for her. 

"And what do you dislike?" Kakashi prompted to which Sakura bluntly stated "Naruto." Leaving the poor boy looking pretty hurt. Kakashi sighed and signaled for Sasuke to go.

"I hate a lot of thing and don't like many things, I don't feel like telling you my hobbies, and I don't have so much of a goal because I will make it a reality. I will kill a certain man and restore my clan." He finished. The atmosphere grew darker, and Kakashi hoped it would lighten up when his last student went. He nodded to her and Chiharu began. She had to think though, she didn't want to not say anything, but she just didn't have very much to say. The others waited to hear her voice, it being a rare occasion to hear her speak.

"My name is Katsumi Chiharu. I liked my parents and my clan. I dislike trivial conversation. My hobbies include training and practicing my jutsu, and my goals for the future are to hunt down and wipe out every Sharingan user on this planet." She finished pointedly staring at Sasuke who held her unwavering glare with one of his own. Kakashi stared at the child awkwardly, pulling down his forehead protector over his covered eye subconsciously.

"Okay...Well now that we got all the formalities out of the way we will be going on a survival training mission tomorrow, to weed out the weak ones. Only 10 of the 28 will become Genin the other 18 will return to the academy. Oh, and skip breakfast tomorrow, or else you'll throw up." With that Kakashi left the rooftop leaving the children to process the new information.

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