The Bell Test

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Chiharu's POV

The next morning I arrived a little early wanting to make a good impression for Kakashi sensei and make up for yesterday. I wasn't surprised that I was the first one at the training grounds. Sasuke arrived next and I tried my hardest to screw my face into a scowl but I was so giddy about the fact that our first team mission that I couldn't muster a convincing glare. Thankfully, he didn't seem to notice. Next was Sakura who took the liberty of sitting right next to the Uchiha boy. I wasn't surprised, Sakura was absolutely obsessed with him. Naruto arrived last cutting it a little close, sensei should be arriving any minute. We waited...and waited...

It was beginning to get a little hot. I put my arm over my forehead and peered at the sun, high in the sky. The heat I felt was unbearable. Looking around the field, with my arm still on my forehead, I spot a tree casting a lot of shade. Standing, I stretch and make my way over to the tree, the escape from the heat was the only thing on my mind. I finally arrive, and take a the same time as someone else. My face heats up a considerable amount as my brain registers the circumstances. A millisecond before I sat down, Sasuke Uchiha decided he would sit in the same spot, resulting in me landing in his lap. His face turned a tomato-y red, I was also sporting an embarrassing blush. Sakura didn't seem to be very fond of the situation, and neither was I.

"Hey! Chiharu get off of Sasuke! He doesn't want you touching him!" She screams. I scramble off of him quickly, not liking this predicament one bit. I point an accusatory finger his way.

"He knew I was going to sit there, he just wanted to catch me off guard. Perhaps waiting to have me flustered so he could strike with my defenses lowered..." I say quickly, rationalizing this odd behavior. Sakura shook her head at my explanation looking confused.

"Are you crazy?" She asks me. Sasuke leaned back against the tree, folding his arms and closing his eyes in obvious annoyance.

"Get real, loser, I didn't know you were going to sit there. Unlike you I have no stupid vendetta against you." He said in an arrogant tone. I was about to retort but Naruto caught my attention, it seemed that Kakashi sensei had finally arrived, 2 hours late.

"Hey Kakashi sensei, you're late." Naruto said with an annoyed tone. Kakashi scratched the back of his head.

"Sorry, a black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way." He quickly excused himself, before pulling out 3 bells and holding them up to us.

"Your test is to take one of these bells away from me before noon. If you can't you will be tied to one of the logs over there." He points to the far end of the training ground where four thick logs stood. Sakura addresses the elephant in the room.

"But Kakashi Sensei, there are four of us but only three bells."  Sakura points out. Kakashi responds.

"At least one of you will have to be tied to the log and ultimately be sent back to the academy." He says. I stiffened up, it surely wouldn't be me. I started assessing my teammates. While Sakura was insanely annoying she was also very smart, which might pose a problem if she could stop obsessing over Sasuke long enough to form a strategy. Sasuke was a strong and worthy adversary, as much as I hated to admit it. Naruto...She shifts her gaze to look at the boy, only he wasn't in the spot he once was, instead he was rushing at Kakashi with his kunai in hand. Kakashi quickly flipped him so his own kunai was pressing into the back of his orange jump suit.

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