The Land of Waves Part 1

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Chiharu sighed in absolute boredom at the mundane task they had been assigned. After completing such an exciting bell test, she had hoped that her future as a ninja would be just as exhilarating if not more. Judging by Naruto being assaulted by the cat, Tora, she couldn't help but feel that her career as a shinobi seemed bleak. 

It seemed that Chiharu was not the only genin on Team Seven that felt this way, she later found out. Her loudest team mate voiced exactly how she was feeling, although coming off more rude than she would have ever talked to the Hokage. The Hokage finally seemed to concede to Naruto's prattling.

Chiharu's POV

My eyes remain calculating as a dirty looking man enters the Hokage's office. Upon entering, he takes one look at us and begins hurling insults at the Uzumaki boy. My eyes shift around the man taking in his appearance as well as his abrasive mannerism. He definitely liked his sake, this much I could tell without even listening to the conversation. I remain rooted in my spot as the rest of the genin from my team begin lining up beside me, in order of height, me being the shortest. This seemed to conclude something for the team. Me, having not paid attention, was left in the dark on said conclusion. My cheeks heated in fury as the Uchiha boy grinned smugly at me, I hated that he had one upped me in any shape or form, even this trivial exchange.

"Not her, the blonde one with the stupid looking face." Tazuna, the bridge keeper, expanded. The Uchiha dropped the grin from his face, which made a faint smile grow on my own. His eyes widened for a split second before he turned away abruptly. 

"Let's hurry up and leave." He said angrily, folding his arms indignantly. That's what he gets for trying to best me, I think smugly and walk out of the office to get my things ready for a long journey. The Uchiha follows suit, his village in the same direction. We walk in silence. 

Although I hated the Uchiha's presence, it didn't hurt to have someone nearby when walking through the desolate villages. The Uchiha and Katsumi clan were so quiet that I had no choice but to hear all the voices of the undead, telling me that I wasn't strong enough to have saved them. I wonder if the Uchiha hears his clan as well, I briefly looked at him in sad curiosity of what horrors might be swelling in his mind, as we made it to the Clan's gates. He returned my gaze with malice but it quickly faded as he saw only sadness in my demeanor. I stopped for a second and the Uchiha kept on walking before stopping a couple paces ahead, not looking back at me. My head hung down as the events from that awful night plagued my mind. This happened every time I came to the gates, and I still had to journey through the Uchiha compound before I reached my own so it was just a morbid stroll down memory lane. 

"You need to calm your breathing..." Sasuke spoke, his voice breaking through the memories and pulling me out of my nightmare. I hadn't even realized I had been hyperventilating until he said something, but now I could feel the effects of the shallow breaths. I swayed a little, dizzy from the irregular breathing. I could see little dots filling my vision and I was terrified of the darkness, of what it meant, of what it would bring. The nightmares. I began breathing faster as I saw body after body littered in the streets. I opened my mouth trying to scream, but I couldn't, my voice was ripped away, just like my vision. Suddenly, I felt a breeze and then warm hands on my arms.

"I said to calm your breathing, I'm not carrying you." Sasuke urged, once again breaking through my nightmares. I could see now, I could see his onyx eyes, though I was still very dizzy, my breathing was slowing down. His eyes held remorse, probably thinking about his own skeletons. 

"We need to gather our things, we'll go to my house first since its closer, and then we can go to yours." He said, dropping his hands from my arms. I began to shake my head, not wanting him in my house, the last Uchiha that stepped foot into my home killed my clan.

"Look, I'll wait outside, but I'm not leaving you on your own. If you go psycho again and pass out, it'll affect the mission." He continued, crossing his arms and looking in the opposite direction. I couldn't argue with this rationalization, and so I agreed, not really wanting to fight him. If I was being completely honest, I could say that I appreciated him accompanying me. We gathered ourselves and gave each other more room to walk, not straying too far from one another. 

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