Let's Go With Boyfriend | Doctor Who / Marvel

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Clara x Bucky

This has been in the works for a hot sec.

Summary: While traveling with the Doctor, Clara found herself in New York in the 1940s. There, she briefly separated from the Doctor and met Sergent Bucky Barnes, who asked her on a date and was charming enough for her to say yes. Now back in the present, she can't forget him. She thinks she'll never see him again, but, when she gets left in present day New York without the Doctor, she might be wrong...

QOTP: Iron Man or the Doctor?

Word Count: 3903

All is, surprisingly, calm.

There are no threats to humanity — at least not large ones that they could physically fight anyway — and Bucky Barnes is trying to enjoy it.

Nearly everything he remembers about his life involved some type of conflict, usually a war, in the distant or not so past, small or large, fighting on the bad or the good side — take your pick. But now, the world is mending itself. Humanity is recovering, getting back on its feet, celebrating what was regained after Thanos was defeated.

Bucky doesn't know what to do.

He's living in a new Shield facility, bonding with the others who've decided to stay there, Sam being one of them. All the while, he's waiting for something else around the corner, some new enemy, another threat, and it surprises him to think that, in way, he's looking forward to it. Having nothing to do and no one to fight is strange. He felt this way in Wakanda, too, as he waited for a new enemy, though the environment and the people themselves made it easier. The work.

Without Steve — at least just knowing that he's out there somewhere — the world just isn't the same. His only real, living connection to his past is now dead, and, if he's being completely honest, he feels alone, at least sometimes.

It makes more sense for him to feel that way when he really is alone, though, so he often ventures out in the city, walks the less crowded streets. People rarely stop him, as he isn't as recognizable as some of the others, especially now with his hair cut short, and, really, he looks pretty intimidating without even trying. It's beneficial for this purpose.

One of his favorite places to walk is Central Park, and he'll often come when it's less busy, seek out the emptier paths, though it's obviously not unusual for him to pass people. And one day, one woman in particular gives him pause.

She looks familiar, but he can't quite place it.


All is, decidedly, not calm.

Just when Clara thinks she'll have a break — a respite from the chaos and heartache of traveling the universe off and on for five years, trying to help those who'd lost everything after Thanos snapped the first time. Just when she thinks she can go back to dealing with merely Cybermen or Daleks, things have to go wrong again.

She meets the Doctor for another adventure after leaving the school where she works, and she has half a mind to ask if they can return to New York in the 40s again, a destination they landed in about a month ago, shortly after Thanos was defeated. The Doctor already said no once, since they'd already been, but she often thought of trying to persuade him.

While they were there, they managed to quietly defeat an alien race that was trying to kidnap soldiers and essentially take away their free will, forcing them to robotically fight in a war the alien race was losing on their home planet.

Somewhere early in the process of that, Clara and the Doctor had to split up to look for any clues or anything amiss amongst the soldiers, and Clara had met Sergent James Buchanan Barnes. He'd charmingly insisted that she call him Bucky, and then, after more flirtations — and banter which Clara returned, surprising him — he asked her to go out with him. She mightn't've said yes if the date didn't include a live demonstration done by Howard Stark along with the dancing, but it did, and she agreed. She even procured a friend she'd recently made named Bonnie (a daughter of an officer who was involved in recruiting) to be a date for Bucky's friend.

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