Uekiya x Fem Reader

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Y/N's Pov

"Hi, Shiromi~!" I greeted the eccentric female. Shiromi gave me a simple wave as I made my way on past her. My h/l h/c flowed through the calm wind as I walked through the entrance of the gardening club. There, I saw the most amazing person I know; my crush Uekiya.

My face lit up and my posture stiffened up a bit. Uekiya always made me feel fuzzy inside, even if all I've done was take a simple glance at her.

I took a closer look at Uekiya and noticed she was.. making something? I couldn't see it fully, but it seemed as if her hands were doing a weaving motion of some sort. I started to walk closer, hoping to get a better look. She must've heard the sounds of my footsteps, as she quickly turned around.

"Oh, hello Y/N!" Uekiya greeted, hiding her hands behind her back.

"H-Hi-!" I squeaked in response. I mentally cringed at my voice crack. "So u-um, what're you doing?"

"Oh, me? I'm just working on a gift for someone.." Her eyes wondered down as if in thought, but she quickly made eye contact back to me. 

"Hey, why don't you spend some time outside of the gardening club instead of helping me with the plants here today? I'm sure the others need more help watering their flowers more than I do~" she requested.

I was confused on why she wanted me away from the club, but I agreed to anyway. As I was walking into the school holding my f/c watering can, I started to wonder more on why Uekiya would want me out of the club area...


It was cleaning time, and I was strolling outside of the school to the gardening club. To my surprise when I arrived near the entrance, Uekiya wasn't there. Usually, she'd be outside cleaning the side walk. Curiously, I tried to peek inside, but just as I did, I saw Uekiya trying to walk out of the club. Uekiya flinched and stepped back.

"Oh, Y-Y/N! You startled me!" she exclaimed.

"S-Sorry-!" I stuttered. God, I felt bad for scaring her like that. My eyes wondered towards her hands, which were still hidden behind her back just like before.

"S-So um.. why aren't you cleaning? A-And why are you hiding behind your back?" I asked.

"..." she paused for a bit before sighing, "Well... I was going to give you this after cleaning time, but since you're already here I might as well.."

A light blush tinted across Uekiya's face before pulling out a... f-flower crown?!

It was a beautiful flower crown assorted with different types of flowers. The flowers were all in different cool pastel colors such as blues and purples, along with some pastel pink ones.

My face immediately flushed a deep red. I didn't even know how to respond. My crush was giving me a flower crown?!

"F-F-For me?" I stuttered, part of me thinking this was some sort of joke or prank.

"For you."

Uekiya smiled sweetly and placed the flower crown on my head. It didn't fit perfectly, as it was sort of lopsided on my head, but I didn't care.

"Th...Thank you," I muttered. I was such a flustered mess I could barely talk. To my relief, Uekiya didn't mind.

"No problem, sweetheart."

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