Chapter Four

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This song is how Rachel keeps fighting its bascially her inner thoughts I reccomed listening to it if you want to feel more connected to the character.
PSA: I'm making this chapter half in 3rd perosn and the other half in 1st person because I am still exploring what writing styles I like. Leave a comment on which person you prefer.

Ace King is a man of many words which says alot considering his intimidating presences. Most alphas he knew went with the scary silent death glare looks which helped them keep their pack and others from disobeying them. Ace found no use for the fake front cause people knew of his strength they knew the damage he could cause and hell he knew what damage he could cause to. The world outside of Ace's trusted were afraid of him he thought they had no reason to be afriad of him, simply for the reason they didn't know him all they knew was the story of a great war that he couldn't remeber fighting so he didn't know if the story was true or not himself and thats the only thing that scared him about himself. But what people didn't know was that Ace King was the biggest baby ever he was soft but nobody could tell.

The things told in the story of the war scared him. He didn't know if he was actually capable of what not only his pack but outsiders spoke of. His small group of the trusted  was basically the people he loved but even they had a tiny bit of fear of him. He hated it he wanted someone that looked at him with no fear he wanted someone to hold him and for him to hold on to. And one day he learned of that person. He was tweleve years old.


" Did you know that frowning can cause crease lines and not the pretty kind but the ones that make you look old, mean, and stubborn" said Ms.Rayn she was an older women who was assigned to take care of the young alpha after the passing of the former Alpha and Luna. She had grown to love the young alpha since her son's mate was a women with lots of secerts that didn't wanna met her so she didn't have any grandchildren.

" I have no reason not to frown and plus this world is old, mean, and stubborn so why can't I be? " Young Ace responded to his nanny. This was one of the reasons Ms. Rayn adored the young man, he always had an answer for everything and it was always a reasonable answer she loved the challenges he gave her so she accepted.

" Well I don't think your mate would wanna be with an old, mean, stubborn man. How are you going to love them with that kind of attuide." Was Ms.Rayns reply as she walked off hearing the patters of his feet following her cause she had caught his attention.

" My mate I don't have a mate....Do I ?....What is a mate? " Ace was very confused and intrigued he wanted answers.

" Well of course you have a mate silly little boy, every soul in this universe has a mate. And you have the gift to find yours and thats a blessing that many don't have and that sir is all your reason not to frown." she said while helping the young boy get ready for bed.

" Well if I have one I shoud atleast know what they are." He wanted to find this mate but he needed to know what it is first.

" Good thing I have my mate and know exactly almost everyhing needed to know about them. Are you ready to hear this?" They young Alpha nodded eagerly.

" Alright our soulmates make us. They are every emotion you have ever felt and never felt wrapped in one. They are the love of our lives but more. Every wish you ever had can come true by just making them smile. Every color in the world can become brighter from having them in your life but duller when compare to your mate. A mate is going to love you unconditionally and forever. They'll take your whole world and stop it you'll never age or feel neglected by them. A mates love creates you, your world, and everything inbetween." Ms. Rayn smiled while talking about her mate and she hoped he grew up to find his mate and soon.

Ace King fell asleep that night dreaming of his special person to love forever and he has had the same dream from that night to his present day.

One thing Nanny Rayn forgot to mention to him was that people are cruel to people. That as the years go by she has watched people become cruel jsut because they can. She has watched many give up on love. She hoped for an better world because she almost became one of thoes people. She forgot to tell him that although mates create our good side they fuel our evil but she knows hes scared of his evil so she didn't mention that. She only gave him hope cause hope saved her and she thought it could save him too.

I'm so sorry this chapter is really short but I have nothing to process this story with so I can come up ideas for a chapyrt but soon it stops and then I cant make up anyhting else till I have a blank canves I cant schudule my creativity sorry but enjoy this chapter for now

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