Chapter Five

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I really hope someone enjoys this chapter because I am very lost writing this book. So I'm putting dow what comes to mind.

Enjoy !

There will always be something that needs to be done. There is no such thing as a day with nothing to do there are only people that have time to spare on task. I am not one of those lucky people. I've accepted this unfortunate aspect of my life. Daycare, food, and bed are the main objectives for today.

The boys were still peacefully asleep I on the other hand am wide awake at five in the morning this is one habit I am not pleased with of mine. I didn't really get to tour the small apartment yesterday so while the boys were sleep I took advantage of this opportunity. The kitchen was small square with a little bar counter and the water took a while to heat up. I prepared two bottles while there for when the twins were sleep. The bathroom was not all that clean and the bedrooms where the sizes of closets in fact the bedrooms didn't even have closets. But I was not complaining because all this was my new home. This was my new small hope. But I definitely needed to add cleaning supplies to my list of things I can not risk the twins getting sick.

I am not a nasty girl thats why I took a ten minute shower while the twins were sleep. But me putting on the same clothes I have been wearing for the past week for sure shouted nasty girl to me. So since most things I need to accomplish today was at a local store plus new clothes that is my first destination for today.


Small town no local Walmart what kinda place does not have a Walmart. I walked passed the park, dinner, and high school the nearest local market was called Petrov and it was about 12 miles from the apartment a car is going on the list soon. Today though I felt lucky and I felt this way for only one reason there happened to be a daycare right next to the local market.

"Look peanuts, thats a place were you can make tons of friends and play." I whispered to the twins. I really was not a person that talked a lot in public. The only people I actually talk to are really the twins. Walking into to local market first I made a mental note of required things. Eggs ,bread, juice, milk, sandwich meat, diapers, bacon , and tons of tv dinners. After the required basics were secured I had a bit extra to spend on clothes and I thank god for that.

The twins each received three outfits which ment they have six to alternated from between each other. I ended up getting two pairs of jeans and three plain shirts with a black jacket. And the biggest find for today was an amazing pull out couch. It was high but hey it had a bed in the inside and thats what counts. My first piece of furniture. Going to checkout I noticed Lexi the girl I worked with the other day. Did she have two jobs. I didn't say anything to her as I was putting my stuff on the counter she was very into her phone at the moment i don't think she noticed.

"Oh ma'm this lane is closed I'm just waiting on my boy- Racheal" I looked up when she said my name. I really hate being noticed.

"Is this lane closed I'm sorry I'll move to another lane" I said

" Oh no it's cool Rach I'll check you out here I'm just waiting for my boyfriend here. His parents own the place" she said. At least she didn't say her parents owned it then I would be freaked out kinda of. I'm not a big fan of overly rich people they all feel very entitled to things.

" I'm sorry do you see a open sign above my head keep moving this lane is closed". I looked behind me to see that she was talking to a man behind me. Kinda felt bad for the man Lexi was kinda rude. But I did notice that the first day I met her. " Okay Rach your total comes out to $101.86" I looked at her like she was insane there was no way I saved that much I calculated all the prices in my head I've spent at least six hundred dollars.

" Don't worry I get a great discount being mated to the owners son and since I like you, you can get a discount as well." Lexi replied to my confused look. Lexi might have been kinda rude but her and her family have done nothing but be kind to me the few days I've been here, and I was very happy for that.

" You ready mi amore" I jumped hearing the voice come from behind me. The twins noticing my discomfort grunted.

" OF course love Rachel this is my maa- boyfriend Demyan Petrov we'll be delivering your new coach want a ride there with us.


" Yo you live here, I remember when Ace brought this place he was trying to find a new project to focus on since everyone was finding their mates." Demyan boomed with his deep voice. I never looked Deyman in the eyes or introduced myself Really I didn't try to interact with him all together. There were many bad people in this world but men aren't bad. They are worse I view most of them as evil. By Deyman's appearance with the tattoos I refused to even acknowledge the man.

I had them set the  couch in the middle of the floor and they left. I did not want anyone around but the twins and I and Lexi seemed like she wanted to be friends that was something I was not prepared for. School was tomorrow and so was my first day of work I had a bed, food, daycare, and fresh clothes for my boys and I. And that was all I needed in life. Although I don't know how much sleep I am going to get babies literally take up an entire queen size bed. So I pondered in my own thoughts trying to get some sleep. The last thought i had before drifting to sleep was

" What the hell is a mate"?


I am back after a year shockingly writing the chapter literally helped me to sleep I have school and it is 4 in the morning . I know the story is going slow but next chapter everyone starts meeting each other and things start spicing up

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