Surprise! New Year, New(ish) Story

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Hey there you guys, Ace here, with a little update. 

So, I know you all were hoping for me to put out an actual update that continued this story, but... I'll be real with you, I had no clue where this story was going and I actually kind of hate it, but that's most because I know I could rewrite it to be so much better. Those of you who've read the story for a long time know that when I hit a major wall like this, I scrapped and rewrote the whole story up to this point, and it extended the story a dozen or so chapters. 

Figuring that that might make some of y'all upset if I just up and deleted it, I came up with an alternative. 

This version of the story is gonna be put in a completely separate book, and I'll be starting over. While you guys might enjoy this version of the story, I have nowhere to take it, and I don't want to try and force myself to keep writing a book I don't like. 

I'm really glad you guys love the story and want to see it updated more, but... I just can't do this version anymore. The Phoebe and Derek I have in this story are wildly different than the ones I had planned out, and while that's not always a bad thing, it made made me take this story in a direction that brought me to a dead end. 

I'm really sorry for taking so long to update this and basically confess, I guess. 

If you guys really want, I can post the last bit of work I have on it when I transfer it over to it's other place. Again, I'm real sorry I can't continue on with this version, and I hope you guys can forgive me. 

As a note, this newer one will take a bit longer in between updates, mostly because I'm not in high school anymore and I have work, and other things to take care of first. Hopefully I won't end up going 5 months between updates, more like an update a month type deal. And they'll be longer updates too. I'm hoping for a 8,000-10,000 word update for this newer version. 

More improvements include, but are not limited to: A proper storyline, characters with more depth, pretty dialogue stuffs, improvements to descriptions and details that were overlooked before, and a bunch more! Just... be patient with me. I'm doing this as a hobby, not a job, so I can't devote all my time to doing it. And don't worry, important moments won't be gone forever, just getting an update. 

But, that's enough rambling for now, I hope you guys have a lovely day, and I hope you have a great new year. Let's get these 20s roaring again. 

Arrivederci, a dopo, 


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