Darling, Don't Be Afraid

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I waited for what felt like hours, doing my best not to fall asleep while pretending to be. I shifted a tiny bit, and when Jesse's grip didn't reflexively tighten, I let out a small relieved breath. Finally asleep. I mused, moving slowly and quietly, freezing whenever he sighed, shifted, or made a noise to indicate I was disturbing his sleep. It took what felt like forever, inching away painfully slowly, but I eventually got free, moving the pillow I was laying on to be in between his arms instead. He huffed and curled his arms around it, nose rubbing against the fabric. If he wasn't insane, I'd almost think it was adorable. I carefully picked up my phone, internally cursing when it didn't turn on, the battery having drained at some point. I slowly crept over to the still open door, glancing back at Jesse to see him still asleep, his chest rising and falling in even breaths.

I didn't even bother trying to close the door behind me, not wanting to risk him waking up from the noise as I crept down the hallway, shivering. I felt cold, despite the sweat that was starting to form on my skin. The short hallway opened up to a large living room, the lights slowly brightening as I stepped into it, making my wince at the pain it brought.

I barely paid attention to the room, but did spot a soft looking blanket on the black couch. Scooping it up, I frantically looked around for a door that would lead outside, giving a small silent fist pump as I noticed there were large glass doors leading out to a yard, which didn't look like it had any fencing around. Creeping over, I gently tried to pull it open almost immediately noticing the small latch on the side.

I lifted the small lever, flinching as it made a rather loud 'click' noise that lightly echoed around the house, I quickly pulled open the door noisily, and began running, adrenaline helping me along as I wrapped the blanket around me.

It was freezing outside, my breath whipping past me in small clouds as I ran across a manicured lawn, icy grass crackling underneath my feet as I sprinted towards the treeline, glancing back at the house. I stumbled as the landscape seemed to rise into a point behind me, my brain doing a quick check to make sure I wasn't going insane. It... It was a mountain. Which was weird, since we didn't have those in Florida. I didn't have time to gawk at it as more lights in the house came on, and I could hear faint shouting of what sounded like my name, urging me to run faster as I entered into the treeline. I did my best not to trip over tree roots as I ran, branches scratching at my face as I moved blindly in the darkness, feet noisily snapping branches as I ran through the forest, unsure of where I was going. Something kept pushing me to run and hide, a strange sense of excitement in my veins for some reason.

Small animals scattered as I tripped over a root, my body slamming into a tree painfully as I sprawled onto the ground, the wind knocked out of me. My chest heaved as I was racked with coughs, my body shaking with exertion. I whined, body aching and aching as I tried to catch my breath, trying to find the will to get up again as the cold seeped into my body, the cuts all over me stinging.

I heard a branch break next to me, and I could faintly make out the outline of something large lumbering next to me, sniffing. My eyes adjusted to the darkness slightly more, and I noted the large, almost human-like form of the creature standing on its hind legs, making a growled grunting noise. Every air on my body stood straight and fear coursed through my body at the sight of a bear. It sniffed in my direction, creeping closer as the low moonlight glinted off its brown fur and long claws. My heart hammered in my chest, and I didn't even dare to breathe as it approached. Suddenly, it froze, the massive head swiveling to the side before the bear dropped back onto all fours, taking off in a loping run away in the opposite direction of what it had seen. Oh great, now something that scared off a bear is going to eat me. This is great. I thought hysterically as I stared blindly in the direction the bear was looking. In the barely-there light, I could see a figure stalking closer, almost steaming in the cold air. Green eyes scanned the area before settling on me. Oh shit.

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