Let's Get It Started

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(A/N): Here it is! Hope you enjoy the new version of the story!

Tap tap tap tap tap tap. The sound of the eraser hitting the table was driving me nuts. Class was almost over, and I just had to wait a few more minutes.

"I'll stop tapping if you agree to go to the party with me." Lily, my friend of many years, and the current bane of my existence said casually as she sat next to me, using her other hand to finish filling out the papers we had been assigned. Busywork, while the teacher was out sick. I huffed, rolling my eyes at her as I doodled on the back of mine, having finished long before her. She nudged me with her shoulder, continuing to tap. "Oh, c'mon, it's just one party. What's the worst that could happen?" She asked, her mild Irish accent thickening slightly as she yawned.

"What could happen is I embarrass myself, which is quite literally the worst scenario." I huffed, glancing around, my voice low.

She rolls her eyes, gesturing to herself. "That's what I'll be there for. Can't embarrass yourself if I don't let you get embarrassed."

I glared at her, raising an eyebrow.

"I won't leave you this time, promise." She holds up the hand that was tapping the pencil, giving me reprieve for a moment from the incessant tapping. "Scout's honor."

I hold the glare for a moment longer before letting out a deep sigh and nodding, Lily giggling excitedly at my approval of what would probably be a nightmare for my social anxiety.

"So what are you gonna wear?" She asked, wiggling excitedly in her seat.

I raised my eyebrow and gestured down to the simple black shorts, black t-shirt, and black sneakers. Lily frowned at me.

"You can't wear that! This is a party, you have to dress up a little!" She whined. I gave her a look. She pouted, giving me puppy eyes.

"... I'll put on a flannel and some accessories." I mumbled, turning back to my work. "And if you let me finish, I'll put on some fishnets." I continued to doodle, finishing off the little tree I had been drawing and adding some grass around it.

Lily hummed and clicked her tongue in thought before grinning. "Acceptable. You've got yourself a deal Bee." She sits back in her seat and goes back to filling out the worksheet.

I try to suppress the eyeroll that threatens to overtake me as I complete the doodle of a dog lying under a tree. "Why do I feel like I've just made a deal with a demon that's gonna eat my soul and make me wear tight leather leggings?" I was only half joking about that part.

"Does that mean you'll let me put you in a pair of-"

"No, Lily."

Approximately six hours later, I was sitting in the passenger seat of Lily's car, bobbing along to the upbeat music pouring out of the speakers of the car. Lily was singing along at the top of her lungs, a huge grin on her face as she drummed her chipped red nails against the steering wheel. The yellow lights flashed by us, streaks of colour against the shiny purple paint on the classic car as she sped past them. I clapped along to the rhythm, swaying and laughing as we pulled off the highway, the metal bracelets on Lily's wrists jingling as she turned the wheel. The song faded to an end and Lily smiled, looking around.

"Alright Bee, you see a petrol station anywhere?" She asked, turning the music down ever so slightly as the next song began to play.

"It's called gas and yes, there's one right over there." I grinned at her, pointing over at the brightly lit gas station.

She rolled her eyes at me. "You Americans and your gas. It's petroleum." She said teasingly. "If it was gas then putting it in your car would be ridiculous."

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