My Girl

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I woke up to the feeling of teeth gently biting the back of my neck and the swipe of a tongue licking over it soothingly. I was dragged to the brink of consciousness by the feeling of teeth and tongue repeating the motion on the back of my neck, the crooks of my neck, and then a nose running up my hairline into my hair. I shifted, letting out a soft sigh as I tried to fall asleep again. There was a soft rumble like thunder, and a hand smoothed over my side before the bites continued, the skin becoming more and more tender with each pass of sharp teeth. I made a small sound of pain and annoyance in my throat at the next bite to the back of my neck, brows furrowing as I flopped a hand back to swat at a stubbed cheek, grumbling quietly as I tried to go back to sleep.

I received a soft chuckle and a gentle kiss to the area in response, and the hand continuing its rhythmic stroking of my side until I settled again with a small sigh, starting to drift off again before there was another sharp bite that made me flinch in pain, eyes snapping open as I hissed in pain, pulling myself away from the teeth. Blinking blearily, I turned to look at whatever was biting me, my brain slowly chugging along as I turned to see Jesse laying there with a blissed-out expression on his face, rumbling quietly as he reached for me with a huff. I swatted at his hand grumpily, pressing a hand to the bite marks, hissing softly at the sting of pain as I slowly started to wake up fully.

"Kitten, come here." He rumbled with a sigh. I growled in annoyance at him, though that didn't stop the rush of heat to my face as my brain registered his voice and the pet name.

"No, my neck hurts. Why were you biting me?" I grumbled, shuffling away from him so he couldn't reach me.

He hummed in lieu of a response, eyes drifting over my neck with a lazy smile. "You look good with those on you." He pawed at the empty spot where I was, clearly wanting me back with him.

"They hurt, Jesse." I huffed, wincing as I touched one again, confirming that, yep, that hurt like fuck. He frowned apologetically, shifting up onto one arm.

"M' sorry baby, let me kiss them and make it better." He offered, his voice sweet, enticing.

'Okay.' Is what I wanted to say.

"Fuck off." Is what came out instead as I shuffled off the bed, standing up and blinking as I trudged over to the large sliding door that led to the bathroom. There was a quiet whine and I suddenly had a large warm body plastered against my back, arms looping around my waist as Jesse buried his face in my hair, which was currently far too fluffy for comfort. He made another whining sound, my brain still not awake enough to catch how inhuman it sounded. I pushed at his arm, feeling the tired irritation starting to win out against the need for comfort and warmth. "I have to pee. Let go, asshole." I growled at him, feeling the soft vibrations against my back as he slowly released me, clearly not happy as he went back to flop face down on the bed.

I rolled my eyes, closing the door behind me as I went into the bathroom, lights slowly brightening to illuminate the fucking gigantic bathroom. My eyebrows shot up as I looked around, noting the ridiculously large bathtub and shower that could easily fit a few people inside them, as well as the black marble countertops with large mirrors surrounded by soft light. What the hell does he do to be able to afford all of this? And why does he have TVs in the bathroom? I mused as I went into the small closet-like area that housed the toilet, taking it all in. I busied myself with finger-combing my hair and cleaning my nails as I relieved myself, frowning as my fingers grazed the bite-marks on my neck. I huffed quietly as I flushed the toilet, stepping over to wash my hands my eyes going wide as I caught sight of the three large bruises (hickeys, really) that were on my neck.

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