Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf

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Trees whizzed past us as we sped down a well-traveled dirt road, Jesse whipping the fancy Jeep he herded me into around curves with seemingly practiced ease. I passively stared out the tinted window, replaying what he had said to me before we had gotten into the car.

'... everyone's excited to see you.'

So other people knew he had kidnapped me? What the hell was going on? Who was everyone? Where was this town he was taking me to? My thoughts came and went just like the trees and the signs we sped past. Jesse was surprisingly quiet, his hand still curled together with mine, idly squeezing along with whatever song was playing. His face was impassive, betraying nothing of what was going to happen, but I could practically feel how nervous he was. Which was either really bad or really good.

I felt a burst of excitement well up in me as I spotted houses that we were quickly approaching, as well as a paved road. Jesse squeezed my hand just a touch harder as we turned onto the road, a few people waving at us as we passed them. I waved back, my eyes wide as I tried to memorize everything. All the people and houses looked normal, each house seemingly built differently from the other.

People were working in their yards, walking around outside, or just sitting on their porch in small clusters. What was surprising to me is that there were dogs everywhere. Well, they looked more like wolves, but they had a more dog-like quality to them. They were walking around without any leashes on, lounging in yards and playing with some of the children around. There were some of all shapes, sizes, and ages. There was a small brown one bouncing around a larger one, almost the same shade of brown, though with small sections of grey in the fur around its muzzle. A woman sat off to the side, watching the two with a smile on her face. A smile cured onto my face as I let out a whispered "Woah...." under my breath.

As we drove past them, people either waved or did a weird bow/dip of their head, and the animals would sit or lay down, lowering their heads until we passed. My eyebrows raised in surprise and I looked over to Jesse, who didn't seem to pay much attention to the people, his eyes on the road ahead of us as he squeezed my hand gently. We continued to drive, and I marveled at the amount of people and pets that were around, as well as the startling landscape, a large series of mountains rising around us in every direction.

We approached a large beautiful building, with lots of big windows and stone pillars, and it looked like it was mostly made of a really pretty looking wood. The parking lot out front had a decent amount of cars in it, though we pulled into an isolated spot that, quite literally, had Jesse's name on it. I tried to suppress a snort at the post that held a sign with 'J. DeKoning' on it, right at the front of the building, isolated from the others. Jese put the car into park and let the car idle. He sighed and sat back in his seat, seeming to muse quietly as he looked over the building. I glanced at him, brows furrowing as I waited for him to turn off the car. He ran a hand through his hair and let go of my hand in favor of reaching over to gently tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as he looked at me pensively.

"You ready?" He murmured, his eyes holding apprehension in them. I nodded, his hesitation making me nervous. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to my forehead with a small soft sigh, staring at me intently before pulling away to shut off the car and open his door. I chewed on my lip for a split second before getting out of the car a moment before Jesse stepped over to my side of the car, a small frown on his face.

I watched him stand there for a second. "What?"

It almost looked like he was pouting. "I wanted to open it for you."

I blinked at him. "...Why?"


"Because what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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