Enough Is Enough

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caney768 said to trickstermiraculous: Me again i just had this idea Bustier gets fired for bad teacher


Marinette had come home with a fake smile that her parents saw through instantly so while she went to go work the resister, her parents went an asked Tiki who didn't want to keep this away from her holder's parents any longer as she knew the danger of bottling up your emotions for too long could be. Tiki explained what had been happing with the Lila girl and Adrien's advice to take the high road and how Lila threat of Marinette losing her friends were starting to become true as Marinette kept trying to protect them by calling out Lila's lying only to be shunned or get detention by Miss Bustier.

Needless to say, they were not happy so come dinner time they decided to ask Marinette at first their daughter tried to keep it a secret but Tiki explained she had already told them which caused Marinette to break. Her parents comforted as she told them everything that had to happen with Lila's lies, taking Adrien's advice and how she had broke from the stress in front of Luka when Hawkmoth had managed to get the Miraculous box. They comforted her until she went to sleep while Tiki looked out for Akumas.

Both of her parents decide enough was enough and the next day they went into school after hours to try and fix while Marinette took a sick day. They had tried to get Mr Damolces to do something but he wouldn't hear it nether would Miss Bustier as she went on about Marinette having to be the one to set an example and how it wouldn't be fair on Lila as she has an illness.

So they decided to call the school both with a complaint along with evidence, apparently, Tiki had recorded what they class and Lila had been saying to her so they had that along with a recording of Lila's threats and their own recordings of the meeting they had with Mr Damolces and Miss Bustier needless to say the board was not happy and by next week Marinette had been moved into Miss Mendeleiev class.

Boy was the class surprised to see a young women who had blonde hair and thin round glass enter the room and writer the name, Miss Baker on the board. She introduces herself as their new teacher from Britain, "oh Britain, I remember the last time I went to London and had tea with the queen" exclaimed Lila gathering the class attention as they ask Lila question on what she was like. The class covered their ears as Miss Baker blew a whistle to get their attention, "I highly doubt that Miss Rossi as it would have been all over the news like the royal families activities usually are" stated, Miss Baker.

"Why would you blow a whistle, Lila has tinnitus you could have hurt her" shouted Alya as Lila started to cry,

"I do not appreciate that tone of voice Miss Cesaire" snapped Miss Baker coldly making Alya sink down in her chair, "as Miss Rossi being hurt by this whistle, I doubt she is in pain as I check not only her medical records but also with her family and according to her mother who went so far as to contact their family's doctor, Miss Rossi has never had tinnitus or shown signs of hearing problems" Miss Baker continued as Lila's face grew pale,

"Which reminds me, Miss Rossi you need to go to the principle's office so you can explain your other lies along with Mr Agreste".

"Why Adrien?" asked Nino quietly,

"Because the school board would like to know why you kept it a secret about your knowledge of Lila's lies" she answered which caused to class to bombard Adrien with questions,

"That's enough, Agreste, Rossi follow me, the rest of you will start on these worksheets" announced Miss Baker slamming the pile of sheets paper on the front desk.

It was later found out that both Mr Damolce and Miss Bustier had been fired for incompetence and had been forced back onto teaching courses on how to deal with bullies and to do proper investigations before handing out punishments along with having warnings on their records so when they were employed by other schools, the schools would know to keep an eye on them. As for Lila, she had been taking out of school by her mother and sent back to relatives in Italy to be home school while making sure her social media was monitored. Adrien got a slap on the wrist as he had to take a course on how to properly deal with bullies.

The class had tried to get back into Marinette's good graces but while she did forgive them, Marinette had explained it will take at least a year for them to get her trust back. Alya had taken down all her videos and articles that contained Lila's lies and issued an apology to her viewers explaining what Lila had done while being her friend. Adrien had given Marinette an apology as well along with trying his best to gain her trust back.

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