Chapter 01 - Dead Man's Words

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So, as you may or may not have noticed, I have completely re-written the book, which is actually something I often do. Some major changes include that yes, Rika's name is now "Lynn" and she no longer has to take her mysterious medication. Stick with me guys, I'll try my best to make the book better. Okay, I love you all! Enjoy the new improved version of blue&silver.



Chapter 01- Dead Man's Words

        The air is thick and smells of socks and sweat, but that smell was home to me. The old, portable heater pumps the best it can, but the room still stays in the low fifties. My body stays warm, my muscles working in overdrive.

        The sound of wooden swords hitting hilts filled the large, concrete box, echoing off the enclosed walls.

        Right hit, block. Undercut, block. Shoulder hit, block. I block my instructor's many attempts of hitting me with her sword. Even though it was a bamboo sword, it still hurt like a bitch when you got hit.

        The old door at the other end of the gym squeaks open, but I don't take an eye off of my instructor. One distraction, and I'm done.

        "We need to talk, Lynn." My lawyer sighs, an edge of seriousness in her voice that was rarely present. Sure, lawyers were usually sharp and serious, but she was more than a lawyer. She checked in on me sometimes to make sure I wasn't dead, or destroying something, so I think we at least qualify as acquaintances.

        Also, she was one of the handful of people in the world who knows what and who I really am.

        I nod and knock my partner's sword away from her, the sound of wood sliding against concrete filling the air. I jab quickly between her two ribs, in an angle which would puncture her heart, and kill her. I drop the sword and she drops her head in a bow before hopping down and getting her duffel bag and sweater, rushing it on to escape the cold.

        I hop down too, in front of the expecting Kira, her foot beating the floor a mile a minute. Her hair was messy, her lips carved into a smirk. Her green eyes were piercing, and glowing like that radioactive stuff you see in the cartoons. She was young, only seventeen, two years older than me, but she's nick-named the law prodigy for a reason.

        "You're going to catch a cold." Kira said, her eyes skimming my body, which was clothed in a black sports bra and training leggings, with black and white Nike trainers. I wasn't a very big fan of colors.

        "Doubtful." I chuckle and grab my gray hoodie, see what I mean? She just shook her head with a smile. She sits on the teal bench, face growing solemn, and motions for me to sit down.

        "We've located your parents will." She speaks slowly. I gulp my water, nearly choking.

        "Well, that's not necessary since-" I started but Kira cut me off with an annoyed sigh, giving me the 'not today' look. I just nod and look down, twiddling my thumbs.

        "What does it say?"

        "You only get 600,000 yen (approx. 5,000$)-" She begins but I cut her off.

        "That can't be right, I was told that there's over 200,000,000 yen (approx. 1.75 million) in the bank account."

        "Let me finish. Only 600,000 yen until you graduate high school."

        "I graduated college last year." I remind her. It was the one thing I was proud of, graduating online college when I was 13 1/2.

        "Not just any high school. True Cross Academy." Silence filled the large room, the only sound being my dropped water bottle rolling across the smooth concrete.


        "Doesn't say, may I continue with the terms though?" She asked and I nod. Why would my parents do that, when my dad told us every day how he hates-hated that school, even though he didn't go.

        "You will aquire 600,000 yen on a debit card, which I will give to you. As we are speaking, movers are clearing out your apartment, which you obviously cannot pay for any more. You will be able to keep everything you've already purchase that does not blah blah blah." Well, she didn't really start saying blah but I got bored. "And finally, you must attend the cram school. Oh, and I will be attending the school with you as a guardian" just like boarding school.

        I nodded, seemed fair enough. "Wait, can I keep Chia and Koki?" I ask, referring to my motorcycle and cat, not in that exact order. She sighed and rubbed her temples.

        "If you were listening to me, you would know. Yes." She answered as her watch beeped three times.

        "I have to go, catch you later Lynnie bear." She calls over her shoulder as she walks away.

        "Oh yeah, and be at this address by 8:00 am tomorrow." She says, and flicks a small piece of paper folded around something else.

        I catch it centimeters away from my face, showing off, and Kira rolls her eyes. An address is scrawled out attached to a blue, plastic card with my full name imprinted.

        "By the way, call me that one more time and you will no longer have boobs!" I shout at the closing door, and hear nervous laughter.

        The sun setting casts an orange glow over the floor, and I throw all my practice clothes on the practice mat, attempting to make a bed. Might as well sleep here, since my apartment was being gutted right now.

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