Chapter 03- Meetings in the Buff

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Chapter 03- Meetings in the Buff

I stand before the building which was falling apart, the rain soaking my uniform. After asking many, many students and taking many, many wrong turns, I was finally at the address that Kira gave me. It took hours to get here, including me stopping for food, so the sun had already set, the moon and stars twinkling in the sky.

Even though the numbers that were painted in black above the door matched the ones on my soggy piece of notebook paper, this place didn't seem right.

It looked abandoned, only one room with its lights on. And it was literally falling apart on the outside, the skeleton of the building showing a little bit here and there.

I exhale, and watch the breath turn to a white cloud and dissipate into the stormy night sky, and make my way inside.

"Now just to find my room." I say to myself, and look down at the paper again, which held the room number. It was runny, but I could make out the numbers 206...I think. So where is this room? C'mon Lynn, use logic!

The door to the right of me has a stair-case symbol, and the numbers 200-300 in peeling, white letters.

Walking into the damp room, I pull my shirt over my nose and cough. The air is so thick that you could probably cut it with a knife, and it smelled of mildew.

Also, it was so dark, the only light source being the small window which led to the lobby. Each step creaked loudly, and made me clench my teeth.

After many trips and stumbles, I finally reach the top. I push the heavy door open, and a rusty, rubbing metal sounds, making me cringe. It opens up into a long hall, with two black doors on either end.

The one closest to me had a sign that said SHOWER HOUSE on it, thank god. My feet carry me into it, praying that there's a shower and towels in my head, my body needs a shower stat.

My legs had mud caked on from taking supposed 'shortcuts', and my white shirt was coated in a layer of dirty water. Damn cars.

To my relief, a pile of towels sat on the counter and hung on racks, and about 5 or so showers were lined on the back wall. How convenient.

Stripping while walking back to the small compartments, leaving various pieces of clothing on the floor, and I switch the small handle to turn the water on

It's cold at first, but warms up quickly, and my body is soaked within seconds.

I lather myself in soap, washing off my face and body, and washing my hair before even questioning where the soap came from. It smelled like cologne, no fruity scents here, but I would take anything right now. I didn't question the origin any further, as I let myself get lost in thought. Taking a warm shower always cleared my head the most.

Thoughts of the year ahead of me filled my head but the warm water ran out quickly after, damn these dorm-room showers.

I turn off the water, and walk to the front of the bathroom, where the towels were, leaving a trail of water behind me. I didn't think as much to grab them and bring them back with me. Wringing out my silver hair, my hand reaches for a towel.

I frown as I look down at it though, these were hip towels for boys. They couldn't possibly cover my whole torso. I use it to cover most of my body, but it doesn't go very far.

It looks like we're the only people living there, according to the students who I asked for directions, who 'just couldn't believe' I was assigned to live there. The towel only covers half of my breasts, and reaches right below my butt. Better a small amount than nothing at all, was that the saying? Something like that.

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