Chapter 07- Middle Finger Higher Than My B.A.C

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Chapter 07- Middle Finger Higher Than My B.A.C

Rin's POV

I groan silently, hoping not to waken the easily-angered Yukio, who would probably lecture me about the importance of sleep on a school night, but I just can't sleep.

I just can't, not after what happened today.

After finding Lynn like that in the kitchen, bawling her eyes out, her sobs nearly breaking my heart. It sounds cheesy, but it's true.

Leaving her alone, like that, was not an option. Even if we aren't friends.

But that's what's so weird- all of the sudden, I have this urge to be close with her, to become her friend. Maybe it's because she seemingly defended and said she cared about me to her boyfriend, that's never happened to someone like me, a demon like me.

I turn in my bed again, the sheets ruffling against my skin.

But on the other hand, after an hour or two of comforting her, letting her bleed and cry on me, she just got up and left. It's like someone switched the off switch on her emotions. She just got up, muttered a small thank-you, and walked away.

Just left like everyone else.

I turned to the window again, this time gazing at the moon.

But there was just something, something telling me that she was different, that she could understand me for some reason. She's just a mere human, I think, but still. I just have this feeling that she'll understand me, even if I don't know her well.

So I guess it's final, I'm going to do everything in my power to become Lynn Satou's friend. Then again, it's snap decisions like that which get me hurt.

Lynn's POV

You'd think that since all that beer couldn't get me drunk, I wouldn't get a hangover, right? Wrong.

In fact, I'm pretty sure this is worse than a normal hangover, like I'm being punished for even trying to get drunk.

With every movement a wave of pain shoots from my head all the way to the bottom of my spine.

That's why getting ready was like a speed round. A very sloppy, dress-in-whatever-I-can-reach speed round.

And on top of that, it still seems like the world is against me. The milk for my cereal was sour, which I found out by taking a half-awake bite of the milk-turned-chunky-yogurt, I used hair gel instead of toothpaste, and my backpack ripped and broke, leaving me to carry my heavy-ass books by myself.

Or at least, I thought I had to carry my books, but things going my way, yeah not so much today.

Waiting at the front of the dorms when I came down in the morning was Rin, smile on face.

It kinda caused me to feel a tinge of guilt, leaving after the whole release of emotions with only a thank-you.

Rin - no matter how much I protested - insisted that he should carry my books, and finally won by taking the books without out my consent. However, the heavy books don't seem like a problem for the energetic Rin.

We're now all the way in front of the school, and Rin's been attempting to make small talk this whole time, but I've been ignoring it. Partially because every time I talked, a wave of pain attacked my head, and partially because, well, I don't quite know myself.

"This place still amazes me."

I nod in agreement, this place is unnecessarily large and fancy for a high school, damn rich people.

Rin seems to take my nod as an I'm-totally-up-for-a-conversation gesture, and continues to talk as we head up on the escalator.

"Woah, why do you have the Calculus BC textbook? Isn't that what they teach in twelfth grade?" Rin exclaims right in my god-damn ear, much to my annoyance.

"Huh? Oh, I find it convenient to keep up with the easier studies." I reply, massaging my temples.

"Easier studies?! Not even Yukio studies this stuff!" He, once again, exclaims, drawing attention from other students heading to class.

"Can you please stop shouting? And yes, for me this is easier studies. I've already graduated from college you know." I reply with a hint of brag in my voice.

"I thought you're my age! You don't look too much older..." Goddamn with the shouting.

"Again with the shouting! And yes, I'm basically fifteen, I just had nothing better to do so I took a few courses on an online college and soon enough they were telling me I had enough credentials to graduate." I explain, continuously rubbing my temples, which were throbbing.

"Wow, so you're pretty smart huh?" He asks, flipping through a few of the math book, a mixture of shock and just general Oh-my-god expression on his face.

"I guess you could say that." And here comes the ulterior motive in three, two..

"So can you tutor me? I kind of suck at school." Of course, he was being nice so that I would tutor him.

"No, I'm busy." I reply, my exterior visibly darkening. He gives me an odd look as I grab my books from him and head into my classroom, 1-A, which was fortunately not Rin's classroom.

I shove past him and into the too-fancy classroom, taking a seat near the back.

I can sense that Rin is still standing at the door, but ignore him as I ready myself for English class, my least favorite class. Great, another bad thing happening today, just what I wanted.

"Resist all you want, Lynn, but I'm going to be your friend!" Rin shouts from the door, causing every little cluster of people to turn their focus onto him.

I felt my cheeks redden and heat for reasons unknown, and my throat constricted, out of anger I'm sure.

"D-Don't you have a class to go to?" I ask, cursing myself for stuttering. He was blushing himself, but he quickly swallowed and raced down the hall, leaving me in complete confusion and, shock. I think.


A/N: Short chapter, sorry :)

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