Chapter 05- Crappy Rom-Com Animes

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Chapter 5- Crappy Rom-Com Animes


Yukio knows, he revealed that he knows who I am.

Flash forward seven hours, I'm laying on my bed, watching one of those crappy rom-com animes that they have on netflix.

I wasn't paying attention to the stupid girl's ten millionth dilemma, rather I was still mulling over the fact that Yukio knows who I am in my head.

Did Kira tell him? Highly doubtful. But if she did, does that mean that Rin also knows?

I let out a loud and annoyed sigh, and hurl my pillow at the wall, hitting a painting of a lotus, sending it to the floor with a crack. Footsteps sound down the hallway, but they stop, and I assume that it's Rin or Yukio coming home.

Hitting the power button on the remote, my legs swing to the edge of my bed and I sit up, still in uniform.

I need a distraction, pronto. Then, an idea strikes me.

I haven't summoned up A.Z in a while, and he'll probably be angry about that, but hopefully the happiness of seeing me outweighs the dissapointment. A.Z has been my boyfriend for a year now, around that much or so.

Gathering the bottle of sand from the bank of the styx, I make my way to the sitting area, where the largest area of space was.

Taking the bottle (which was in desperate need of re-filling), I pull the cap open, a loud pop sounding through the room.

I pause for a second, what if he's mad at me? We've only been in one fight in the history of our relationship, but it was scary. It was one that I never wanted to happen again.

But, he was usually so understanding, and the longer that I didn't contact him, the angrier he would be, so it's better if I do it now.

I exhale in resolution, and start to pour the sand, the words of the chant robotically coming out of my mouth.

Soon enough, an intricate star appears out of sand, and begins to glow with enthusiasm as I chant.

and he shall rise..

The ground gives a weak shake before the center of the star glows with an amazing blue light, and an object rises up, driping in what seems like blood. Once the human-esque form reaches the top, and is fully unsubmerged, the blood slides right off, giving no evidence of ever even existing.

In it's place is left a handsome teenage boy with two black horns curling from his head. He faces away from me, but I can slightly see his features: electric blue eyes. milky skin, full lips, and of course the full head of messy black hair.

He wears his usual black jersey, a white shirt poking from underneath, and blue jeans hang loosely on him.

He scans the room a bit, before turning to see me. When he does, a smirk appears on his face, a pointed canine poking out.

Please don't be mad, please don't be mad, please don't be mad. I chant in my head as he walks over to me slowly.

He sits on the couch, and turns, then leaning back onto my lap so his head faces the ceiling and his legs droop over the end of the couch.

I instinctually begin playing with his hair, something I have always done, and he grins in delight.

"So you're not mad?" I ask, softly tugging on his silky hair.

"'Course I'm not. Moving schools and all must've been tough." He looks up to me face and I smile thankfully.

"Wait, how do you even know about that?" I ask, pausing for a second. He whimpers playfully and I resume.

"Word travels fast in Hell." He replies, eyes shooting open and his hand catching my own and bringing it to his nose, taking a whiff, then shaking his head.

"What can it be then?" He mutters to himself and I raise an eyebrow.

I let him think in silence, and after a few moment he abruptly sits upright after sniffing the air.

"The son of Satan is here!" He exclaims and gets up.

"Where are you going?" I ask, catching his hand. He turns around and tugs my hand off, and I let it sink down, feeling a bit dejected.

"Where is he?"

"What do you plan on doing with him?" I ask cautiously, walking to my dresser and sitting down next to the window, crossing my arms.

"Well, bring him to Satan of course!" He exclaims like it's the most obvious thing in the universe.

"So he can be killed or worse? No way."

"Do you know how much I, we, will be praised for this?"He asks, briskly walking over to me and catching me hand, holding it in his own.

"As I repeated, no. I'm not going to hand him over, it's not fair to him."

"What do you have a crush on him or something?" He asks, and it stings. IT stings because there's not a trace of jealousy, just maliciousness.

"No, that's not it."

"Then why not?"

"Stop bugging me about it, I have nothing against him, I don't know. Can we please just watch a movie?" I ask and his face hardens.

"Give me the boy, now." His voice deepens and becomes scary, and I cower away a bit.

"I said no."

"Why not, tell the truth, Doll?" He asks, his voice laced with malice, his words with cruel intentions as he spoke the nicknamed I pleaded him not to call me.

"Because I don't want someone I care about's blood on my hand." I say without even realizing I said it.

"So you care about him?" He asks, his grip dramatically tightening.

"No, and let go, you're hurting me!" I cry, trying to shake my hand loose violently but not succeeding. He just continued to stare, or glare at me, a mixture of malice and anger masking his face.

His grip continues to tighten, and I can feel my bones getting ready to snap like twigs, so I started to say the only thing I can think of.

"Gate close!" I command, and the light of the portal begins to shrink as he curses under his breath and shoots one more menacing look to me before releasing my hand.

He speeds to the portal, knowing that if it closes without him he will be stuck, as I rub my already bruising hand.

"We're so done, ugly bitch." His venom-laced words slip out as he dives into the portal, the entrance closing, nearly taking his feet with it.

The tears begin to wet my cheeks, leaving a salty taste in my mouth before I even realize.


3rd Person POV

        Rin stands slowly, his legs protesting from being cramped in a crouching position for so long. He walks over to his door slowly, still going over the events that just occurred in his head, confused. 

         Little did he know that there was a seed planted in him by her words, a seed that would prove important, a seed that he didn't even realize existed. 

blue&silver (a blue exorcist fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant