Chapter 08 - More Serious than Sailor Moon?

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Chapter 8- More Serious than Sailor Moon?

The sky is a milky gray, the weather already winter-like even though fall had really just begun. I exhale deeply, and my breath turns white against the chilly air as girls around me stretch and warm up, trying to keep their body heat.

"Go Lynn!" I hear Rin shout from the grassy hill ten or so feet away that most of the boys resided on, watching the girls stretch with more-than-likely crude thoughts.

He's been like this all day, Rin I mean. Sitting with me at lunch, accompanying me to all of my classes, and now cheering me on.

I'm not even participating in a competition of sorts, only the mid-year physical assessments. I shake my head an sigh as I continue to stretch by myself, leaning over and touching my toes.

I hear footsteps approach and straighten up. The cold October air skms my leg. Damn that pervert Mephisto, making our uniforms look like something out of a hentai magazine. With a tight grey and pink shirt and red shorts that barely cover my ass.

The boys, however, were given fucking sweatpants to use since it's 'winter weather'. To hell with winter weather, why do we still need to lounge around in freakin' playboy outfits?

Two boys stand in front of me. One has a sloppy head of blonde hair that falls right over his golden eyes, a less-than-chaste smile on his face. His friend has black hair with brown eyes and sunglass type glasses, which blocked where his eyes roamed. Both of them exerted an underserved amount of confidence.

"So you need a stretch partner, Lynn?" The blonde one asks, standing slightly in front of the black haired one.

"No." I reply, stretching my arms.

"Wasn't a question, it's mandatory." He said, walking a little closer to me, even though he was already too close for my liking to begin with. I'd like to argue the fact that I'm a lone wolf, but he's right. The P.E teacher has been giving me the dirty eyes for the past twelve minutes.

"Well, I already have a partner." I lie from the top of my head.

"Oh really? Who?" The blonde one asks, suddenly adopting a ready-to-fight aura about him.

I shifted weight on my black nike-clad feet, weighing my options. I could pretend I got a spontaneous disease, or maybe that I started my period. Or..

"Rin's my partner!" I say loudly enough for Rin to hear, and his face lights up like a child on Christmas morning. I can tell that he's been watching, and probably listening to the whole conversation.

The two boys give Rin the evil eye as he skids down the hill and comes to a full stop next to me, and crosses his arms.

"That's right fellas, move it along." He says with a smug face and makes go-away motions with his hands.

The two boys huff away, muttering curses under their breaths.

"So, partner." He smirks and turns to me.

"Shut up and stretch me." I say and he blushes, damn. It didn't sound that sexual in my head.

We stretch in silence, even though Rin seems like he's about to burst at the seems.

The coach's whistle makes a sharp sound that cuts through the air, and I hop onto my feet, walking over to the track.

Unlike the rest of the girls, who are groaning in complaint, I'm excited to run the mile. I haven't worked out in a long time, and that definetly hasn't been helping my body.

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