Chapter 6- oh sweet mother of rainbows and unicorns.

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Casey and Bella had run upstairs to figure out what to do.

"We have to tell them. What if something bad happens?" Bella freaked out.

Casey grabbed her shoulders to stop her from pacing.

"What if they don't believe us? What if they end up dying or some shit." He replied.

"I think the wall is enough for them to believe that something is going on." She muttered, running her hand down her face

"Okay. Okay. Let's just tell them we want to play with the board again. We'll ask questions and if it responds just pretend it's someone making it move. Then we can figure out what is doing this and why." He explained, while grabbing her hand and dragging her down the stairs. Man his hands were massive. Hm. Interesting.

Oh god Bella not at a time like this snap out of it you idiot.

"Hey guys how about we play with the board again?" Bella asked, taking it off of the side.

"Sure, if you want too but it isn't gonna work." Chris replied.

So they all say around the board again and placed their fingers on the planchette.

"Wow.. The planchette is really hot... Like it was in an oven or something." Millie said, blowing on her fingers because it got too hot for her.

"I'm starting." Bella said.

"Okayy..." Barclay replied, quite surprised by her reaction.

"Is there some evil spirit here who... Oh I don't know is planning on killing us all or something?" She asked.

This time the planchette moved to yes.

Oh sweet mother of rainbows and unicorns.

This wasn't a joke. But only Bella and Casey knew it.

"Haha real funny guys, who moved it?" Reece asked, looking round at them all. They all shook their heads. Shite.

Eventually they only asked a few more questions. the spirit that only Casey and Bella knew was there was completely unhelpful.

Soon they just abandoned the game and went upstairs to the kitchen. As Tom flicked on the light for the kitchen the whole house went dark.

"Oh crap we blew a fuse."

"No shit dimwad." Bella replied to whoever had spoken.

"God dammit I hate the dark, this is freaky." Bella added on.

"Charlie go down to the abandoned cellar with Millie, the fuse box is in there." Barclay said.

"Dude, I am not going down there." Millie said.

"Oh Cmon Mills, it's not like there's a dead person down there." Charlie laughed. Eventually they heard the door open and their fading footsteps leave.

"Bella... You don't think this is anything to do with the you-know-what." Casey whispered in her ear, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. Damn it's like he knew she was freaking out.

"Sh I'm trying not to think like that, because sending people down to an abandoned cellar in pitch black is exactly what idiotic white girls do in horror movies. And they are always the ones to die first." Bella whispered back, holding onto Casey's lower arms, really appreciating it.

Suddenly the lights came back on.

"Oh praise Jesus." Chris said.

It wasn't long that they heard 2 screams. Everyone looked at each other and bolted to the cellar.

As they charged down the stairs they found Millie and Charlie hugging each other in the corner from what was in the room.

All around the room was blood leaking from some carcass of a extremely deformed woman. Like an animal had gotten to her. Across the floor it looked like a finger had written in the blood in huge letters

Oh my dear innocent children. Oujia boards aren't just a game.

Especially when you forget to say goodbye to your spirit.

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