Chapter 8

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Bella jumped back from the window, screaming and dropping the plate on the floor so suddenly it smashed and cut into her leg a bit, but it's not like she really cared that much due the current circumstances.

Casey had rushed behind her and taken her into his arms while Millie was by her side.

"D-did a-a-anyone else s-see t-t-that?" She stuttered in between the hiccups caused from the tears rolling down her face.

"Close all the curtains, lock all the doors, make sure no one can get in." Casey ordered everyone, sending everyone except Bella and him into a mad panic to secure the house.

Once everyone had left Casey picked Bella up and carried her to the bathroom which thankfully had no windows. He placed her gently on the counter and started cleaning up the cut which was considerably bad.

He helped her back into the kitchen. Everyone had now gathered back in the kitchen and was trying to get ahold of 999. Why no one had done this earlier was beyond her mind.

"It's not ringing.." Chris muttered, while on his phone.

"The landlines dead too." Barclay replied, turning round from the wall.

"For fucks sake, this is turning out just like a fucking horror movie, next thing you know someone's gonna die on us." Millie laughed nervously, obviously trying to get someone to assure her that everything would be fine. But no one had the heart to lie to her.

They were stuck in this house till morning

And they all knew it.

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