chapter 1

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It was initiation. Teams Rwby and Jnpr were fighting the deathstalker and nevermore.

Out of nowhere a figure jumped into the fray. Energy came out of his body and pierced the nevermore sending it crashing down.  With a flick of his wrist a rope of energy wrapped around the tail pf the deathstalker.  The figure pulled and the tail was ripped off.

The figure then slammed the stinger into it killing the death stalker.

The two teams stood there in awe.  The figure smiled before flying away out of sight.

After initiation Weiss wanted to find this mysterious guy who helped her. She found him sitting on a bench.

Weiss: * approaches* Hey.

?: *looks at her* Hello.

Weiss: You're that guy from the initiation.

?: That's me. I'm Y/n.

Weiss: My name is Weiss. I never got to thank you personally.

Y/n: It's no big deal.

Y/n coughed on his hand. Spatters of blood on his hand.

Weiss: A...are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah. *coughs more blood*.

Weiss: Do you need to go to the hospital?!

Y/n: No. Nothing they can do. It's a unknown disease.

Weiss: What?

Y/n: The full effects are unknown. But some doctors don't expect me to live. I cough up blood. Nothing has been able to stop it. 

Weiss couldn't believe her ears. He is almost continuously at death's door and yet here he is risking his life for others.

Weiss: Then why come here? Couldn't this speed up whatever is wrong?

Y/n: Maybe. But I never wanted to sit and do nothing.  I would rather die right here on this bench knowing I probably saved a life today. Then in my bed doing nothing.

Y/n relaxed up against the bench. He looked up at the sky turning dark.

Y/n: Almost night already. *sigh* Though I do prefer night to day. But in my condition I should probably rest for tomorrow.  It was nice to meet you Weiss.

Weiss: It was nice to meet you too. Bye.

Y/n walked to his dorm for the night.

In miss Goodwitch's class it wa stime to spar.

Glynda: Y/n Al/n vs Pyrrha Nikos.

The two got their gear ready and walked to the arena.

Y/n was already strained. His disease was kicking his ass today.  But he wouldn't just give up.

He was very slow getting into his ready stance and his breathing was already heavy.

Glynda: Are you okay mr Al/n?

Y/n: I'll be okay.

Glynda reluctantly let the match start. Pyrrha charged first. Y/n barely dodged.

Y/n: I need to end this quick.

Y/n latched onto her with ropes of energy. He lifted her up into the air. He began to cough out blood onto the floor and dropped Pyrrha.  His aura dropped a little bit.

Pyrrha: We don't need to keep fighting.

Y/n: We do.

Y/n threw another rope of energy at Pyrrha who tried to dodge, but the rope wrapped around her leg and Y/n pulled her towards him. He relled back a punch and let it go as she got close enough draining her aura.

Y/n won. But he didn't feel like it.  He smiled but coughed up more blood. 

Y/n in head: Damn it's bad today.

Y/n stumbled back to his seat.  He sat down and relaxed. He meditated till the end of class. Then he went on his day. Going from class to class despite his condition.

At lunch he noticed Cardin bullying Velvet.   He went up to them.

Y/n: Hey. Leave the girl alone.

Cardin: *looks at him* and what are you going to do about it?

Y/n: * coughs blood into his hand* how about I infect you. I make you drink my own blood.

Cardin: Okay-okay! I'll stop!

Cardin let go of Velvet who thanked Y/n as they walked away.

When Y/n sat down Weiss sat next to him.

Weiss: You really shouldn't push yourself.

Y/n: Now you sound like my dad.

Weiss: He was probably onto something.

Y/n: You're not wrong. *groans in pain*

Weiss: How long has this been going on?

Y/n: Since I was a kid. Actually my dad adopted me because of it. No other family wanted me because of it. And one day my dad walked in. I could barely move that day. He signed the paperwork, picked me up and carried me home.   If I'm being honest, without him I'd probably be dead by now.  He taught me how to fight and use my energy to make my ropes.

Weiss: Sounds like you had a good childhood all things considered. 

Y/n: Yeah. *groans in pain* I think I'm going to go back to my dorm.

Y/n got up and started to walk to his dorm. Weiss felt very bad knowing there wasn't much she could do for him.

Y/n went into his dorm and laid on his bed falling asleep tired. He knew it would only get harder for him. But he wasn't going to let this disease win easily.

male sick reader x Weiss. bloody messWhere stories live. Discover now