chapter 4

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An attack on Vale. Something no one expected. Especially not from some unknown military. Its symbol being a black trident.

Team Rwby accidently found themselves in the city filled with chaos. It didn't take long for atlas forces to arrive. Not that it made much of a difference. If anything it added more chaos.

The team found themselves in the epicenter of the chaos.

?: Children, look here!

The team looked to see a man in a black general's outfit.

Yang: Who are you?

?: Call me Togu. And you four peak my interest. Show me you're worth it. * draws officer's sword*

Ruby charged first using her speed. Togu dodged her strike and lunged at Blake who dodged. Weiss went fo a stab but Togu jumped over it kicking her in the face. Yang went for a punch only to have it caught.

Togu: Not looking good for you so far.

Togu pulled Yang in and headbutted her making her fall backwards. Ruby and Blake charged together only for Togu to go in between them.

Togu blocked Ruby with his sword and punched Blake with the other hand. Yang went for a leg sweep which connected. Togu blocked her fist with his sword making her cut herself in between her one knuckle.

Togu: One on four and none of you can even scratch me. Pathetic.

Weiss went for a stab which barely missed Togu. Togu went for a slash only for Blake to intercept kicking him away.

Togu: I think it's about time I end this.

Ruby went for a slash only to recieve a punch. She stumbled around for a second before hitting the ground.

Yang: Ruby! * activates semblance* I'll kill you!

Yang rushes in only for Togu to jump above her and slam down on her back making her hit the ground hard taking her out of the fight.

Weiss and Blake rushed towards Togu. Togu sheathed his sword. They both got grabbed by their necks and held off the ground.

Togu: Well. Looks like I found the first two to die. But question is, which one dies first? Either way some might say its racist due to the color of clothing, but at the same time both die so its okay.

A rope of energy wrapped around Togu's neck making him drop them both. Togu gagged and a snap was heard and Togu fell to the ground.

Y/n walked up to the two.

Y/n: Hey.

Weiss: Y/n! Thank you. We were dead for sure.

Togu: And you still will die.

Togu got up and snapped his neck back into place.

Togu: Being immortal has it's benifits.

Y/n: Immortal huh? Well I guess that means I'll give you a worse fate.

Weiss: You got this right?

Y/n: I can't ever promise anything during a fight.

Y/n made a whip of energy and swung at Togu cutting across his torso. Togu gritted his teeth and drew his sword.

Togu charged only for Y/n to pull his leg out from under him and slam him onto the ground before throwing him into a wall.

Togu charged once more dodging energy whips. But when he got close to Y/n and went for a slash. Y/n pierced through his gut with a spear of energy and punched him away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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male sick reader x Weiss. bloody messWhere stories live. Discover now