chapter 2

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It was a school trip to abandoned ruins of an unknown civilization.   The students could wander on their own to explore. Weiss wandered inside and found Y/n. She walked up to him.

Y/n: This is familiar.

Weiss: What?

Y/n: This looks like one of the temples my father showed me.

Weiss: There is plenty of those around here.

Y/n: No. This one is different. This one belongs to something. A deity. 

Y/n looked around to see a statue of a man in armor.

Y/n: Ares. The god of war.

Weiss: What?

Y/n: Ares is a ancient god. This is a temple.  I suppose we should investigate. * coughs up blood onto the ground* 

The two moved through the temple.  Y/n felt the disease worsening.

Y/n: Not now.

Weiss: Y/n?

Y/n: I'll be okay.  Let's keep moving. 

They made it to what looked like a burial chamber. Their was a single tomb.

Weiss approached it. It started to crack.

Y/n shot a rope of energy at Weiss and pulled her back before it exploded making a dust cloud. 

Y/n could sense an energy inside it.

Y/n: Fascinating.

When the dust cleared. A man in ancient greek armor stood there.

Ares: Who awakes me from my slumber?

Y/n: To be fair. * coughs up blood* We had no clue.

Ares: You. * points to Y/n* I can tell you have more experience in combat.

Y/n: Indeed.

Ares: I will kill you first.

Ares made swords appear and they flung towards Y/n who dodged them. 

Y/n: *coughs up blood* Damn it all.

Ares summoned more blades. Weiss went for a thrust.  Ares dodged and summoned a sword and shield in his hands. He blocked the next attack and bashed Weiss away. He readied his sword for a killing blow. Y/n fired a rope of energy wrapping around Ares.

Y/n: You're fighting me remember?

Y/n tossed Ares into the wall. Ares then hit the ground. He got up and looked at Y/n. Y/n was struggling already due to the disease.

Ares: We're just getting started. And already you are tired.

Y/n: Disease does that to you. But I ain't done yet.

Ares summoned more blades and they flung towards Y/n. A bubble of energy surrounded Y/n and the blades bounced off of it. 

Y/n shot bullets of energy at Ares who used his shield to block them.

Ares: Do you plan to stay at a distance like a coward?!

Y/n: Do you plan to keep talking instead of fighting like an idiot?

Y/n planted specks of energy around the area dodging any attack Ares threw at him.

Ares stepped on a speck and it exploded causing damage.  Y/n got in close making him walk into more of these makshift mines. 

Y/n felt pain go through his body. He was reaching his limit. He's used too much energy. If he uses too much the disease will cause great agony.

Y/n in head: One more blast.

Y/n fired a massive beam of energy from one hand. The beam swallowed Ares. He was badly damaged. But not out of the fight. Y/n however, used too much energy.

Y/n got down on one knee.

Y/n: Damn it!

Ares walked up to Y/n.

Ares: You fought well. But you could never win.

Ares went for a slash. Y/n caught the blade. The blade cut his palm, blood seeped onto the blade. Ares tried to get the sword free but to no avail.

Y/n: I'm...not...going...down...without...a...fight.

Y/n tried to muster strength. But he couldn't find any.

Out of nowhere a blade pierced through Ares's chest.  Ares turned to see Weiss.

Ares: It...seems I was the fool. I forgot who I was fighting. 

Ares fell on his knees before falling the rest of the way dead.

Weiss: Y/n! * Rushes to him* you're hurt!

Y/n: Give me some time to get my energy back. * coughs up blood* We survived.

Weiss: Yeah. Let's get you put of here.

Weiss threw Y/n's arms around her shoulder. Y/n struggled to walk but managed to keep up.

Y/n: It's getting worse.

Weiss: I know.

Y/n: I'm becoming a burden.

Weiss: Don't say that! Without you I'd be dead in there.

Y/n: But what'll happen when I can't muster enough energy to fight?

Weiss stayed silent.

Y/n: Promise me something. If you see me in trouble. Please, don't rescue me if you think you'll die. Leave me behind.

Weiss: No way!

Y/n: I mean it. I'm going to die either way.

Weiss: Well I'd rather you live for as long as you can.

Y/n: * chuckle* I suppose I can't get you to say yes?

Weiss: Nope. I ain't leaving you behind.  You wouldn't leave me behind.

Y/n: You got me there.

They exited the temple and explained their findings. Soon the students all went back to beacon. Y/n sat on his bed.

Y/n: I can't feel those things. It'll only bring suffering. If I...confess.  How long will it be before I die. A day? A month? A year? I'm a dead man walking. 

Y/n laid down.

Y/n: I'm sorry Weiss. Forgive me when I die.

male sick reader x Weiss. bloody messWhere stories live. Discover now