Characters 3: Non-Canon Animatronics

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This chapter won't have to many names,(YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!) but I am going to put in some of my own characters(OC). I'm hopefully going write a fanfic about the soon. Anyway, let's just get this over with!

****FNaF Four****

Nightmare Mangle


****Own Characters****

****Since these are my own characters, I'm going to use the names that they'll be called most of the time.****

Golden Foxy- Hel

Security Puppet Model N.0187- Zero

**** See why there's another name for them? Saying Security Puppet Model N.0187 is just a mouthful. Plus, there's already a Golden Freddy, so I had to give the Golden Foxy a different name. I own these two characters. Ask first if you want to use them.****

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