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Hello! This is the request page! Here are some simple rules.

I will not be taking any smut/lemon requests because I am not comfortable with writing that stuff yet and frankly I don't really enjoy writing them. They make me slightly uncomfortable, so no requests of that kind will be accepted.

2. Sensitive topics
This book may involve sensitive topics but I am going to try and steer clear from that stuff since again I'm not comfortable with it. Things like suicide and depression are things that I would rather not write about, since I know people who have suffered from those things and I don't want to accidentally romanticise it in any way. But if you do have a request like that, it will be done but it might take a while.

Those are the two rules of the requests for this book, it's not much but I just thought I'd clear that up for anyone who's confused.

✅ I will also be taking:
- ship requests
- character x female!reader
- character x male!reader
- character x nonbinary!reader
And anything along those lines.

I will also try to avoid gendered lines as much as possible, but if you want a gendered character, then please say so in your request.

Thank you for reading this (if you did)!

Enjoy reading!

Oya~! Oya~!

Oya Oya~! || Haikyuu! x reader oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang