Missing you || Kuroo (angst)

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Don't have much to say, but enjoy~!


"So this is it huh? This is the end?" You said as more tears welled up in your eyes.

"F/N I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry." His glossy eyes held nothing but guilt as you stared into them. His eye brows were creased as he tried to hold in his tears.

"No, no it's okay. It wasn't working anyway. I guess it just wasn't meant to be." You said, forcing a pained smile. "God- I really wish it was. I really do." You bit your lip as an attempt to stifle your sobs.

"Me too. Me too F/N- God- I want to be with you. So bad." He pleaded, taking your hands in his.

"Don't lie to me, please. You don't want to be with me. You used to want to be with me, you used to love me. Not anymore...you love her." You say, letting more tears slip from your eyes.

"I'm sorry, I- I didn't want to do this to you." He said, water starting to build up in his eyes too.

"It's okay, Tetsuro. I don't want to hold you back anymore." You cupped his face gently with your hand, using your thumb to caress his cheek softly.

"Just- can we hug? One last time?" You asked, watching him nod before engulfing you into a warm up.

You hugged him back, holding onto him as if he was going to disappear. Because in a few moments...

He was.

He hugged you back just as tightly, you felt him bury his face into the crook of your neck. You did the same and breathed in his scent for the last time.

After what seemed like forever, you were the first one to pull away. You stayed close to him though, cupping his face in both of your hands.

Without thinking, you leaned in and pecked his lips gently. After you pulled away, he pulled you back in as if to try and reassure you that he still loved you, even if it was only a tiny bit.

"I'm gonna miss this..." You whispered after you both pulled away.

"I'm sorry." He apologises once again, making you smile painfully.

"Stop apologising already. Stupid." You chuckled softly, flicking his head lightly as you both backed away from each other.

"I wish you the best, for the future. Thank you, for all these years. You made me the happiest man on the planet, thank you. Thank you so much F/N. You have and always will mean the world to me..." He said, picking up one of his bags and slinging over his shoulder, taking the other one in his free hand.

"Thank you as well, for the best 6 years of my life. Good luck with her, Tetsuro. Make her the happiest. Just like you did with me. Except, stay with her this time and start a family with her. But don't forget about me, knucklehead." You said, gentle punching his shoulder gently.

He chuckled gently at that, feeling a soft pang hit his heart as he stared at your glossy eyes. It hurt him to see you like this, you just wanted him to be happy, and he obviously wasn't happy with you, but it was hurting you in the process.

He opened his arms and you ran straight into them, sobbing hard in his embrace as you clutches the fabric of his jacket. He placed the bags down and gently ran his fingers through your hair.

After a few moments you pulled away, wiping your tears away with the sleeve of your shirt before smiling sadly once again.

"Hurry up a go to her already, you big idiot. Don't keep her waiting any longer." You said, scolding him playfully.

This made him smile as he picked the bags back up and walked towards the door. His hand touched the handle before he turned around and saw you smiling and waving, your pet cat, that the two of you had bought when you first moved in together, was cradled in your arms as you waved.

He smiled again, brushing off the pang that hit his heart once again as he opened the door and walked out, closing it gently behind him.

Your waving stopped once you heard the door make a 'click' sound as it shut. That was when you let more tears fall, gently placing the cat down as you stared sadly at the door, hoping he would come back.

But you knew he wouldn't.



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