❤️Atsuya x reader ❤️

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This was requested by AsuraPenguin. Hope you like it.
Y/N's pov
I walked down the sidewalk downtown to Hakuren. I had my backpack full of different things for where I was going. I was walking to soccer tryouts for Hakurens team. I heard they were pretty good, and I used to be on a team, but it got disbanded. I continued to walk down the smooth sidewalk, thinking if I was going to make the team. I was knocked out of my deep thoughts when I knocked into someone. I got up off the sidewalk and looked at the boy who I had run into. He had salmon colored hair, with some spikes here and there, and bright green eyes. He groaned a little bit in pain before he sat upward. "You should really look where your going!" The salmon haired boy sarcastically. "I'm sorry are you hurt?" "Well I just fell onto concrete! Do you think I am ok!" he replied very loudly. "Thc, I was just asking. Now you want help off the ground or not?" He nodded with a sarcastic look on his face, like he was embarrassed of having to have help getting of the ground. He grabbed one of my hands and I pulled him off of the ground. He looked at his legs and arms. He didn't seem badly hurt. He had a few cuts, but nothing serious. "Your lucky I didn't break my leg, or else I would've sued you." "Sue me!! You can't sue a person for knocking into you!" He looked at me for a second with those green eyes, but looked away and didn't continue the conversation. "Where were you going a way?" "Hakuren soccer stadium for tryouts" I said. He looked at me with a surprised look. "Your kidding, right?" I think he was hoping I would say yes, but I didn't understand why he looked that way when I said it. "No why would I joke about?" He groaned seeming very annoyed and muttered something under his breath, but I couldn't understand what it was. "Then I supposed I should walk you there, since we might soon be teammates" he said and started to walk forward. He turned around quickly toward me. "Are you coming or not?" I started walking next to him. I looked over to his side as we were walking, and I had suddenly realized something. This boy that I met five minutes ago, was Fubuki Atsuya,Hakurens forward. How could I have been so stupid. Salmon hair, bright green eyes, it was him. I decided not to bring it up to him, because I didn't want it to feel awkward. We walked in silence for about another five minutes, until we arrived at the Hakuren soccer stadium. It wasn't the biggest stadium I have seen, but it was ok. We continued to stay silent as we walked into the stadium. As we walked in I recognized many of the players. One player I saw was Hakurens captain, Fubuki Shirou. I left Atsuya and took a seat on the bench and got everything ready. Atsuya sprinted over to his twin brother and the two started talking. I wish I could hear what they were talking about, but I know I couldn't eavesdrop. Fubuki walked over to me. "Hello, I am Fubuki Shirou, the captain. And you must me y/n." I nodded to show that it was me. "I assume you have already met my brother, Atsuya. So are you ready for your tryout?" "Yes" I said confidently. I took a deep breath and walked onto the field.

                              Time skip Atsuya POV

I sat down on the bench and watched the new girl, y/n, try out. While I did kind of get annoyed at her when she bumped into me, I found her kind of cute and sweet. Of course I couldn't let Fubuki know, or else I would never hear the end of it. I was not ever going to tell y/n about it, so I'm sure the feelings will go away eventually. It was the end of the tryout and she walked over to my brother and talked to him for a while. She got excited and started jumping up and down, which I think meant that she got in. She walked over to me and I started to get butterflies in my stomach. Why did I feel this way. I know I like her, I just need to get over it. Hell we just met not even two hours ago, why was I in love with her? I snapped out of my feelings and I could see she took a seat next to me. I looked at her face. She was sweating and was panting like crazy. "Well well we'll. A new forward. It'll be interesting working with you. Just don't get any funny ideas and take my spot as an ace striker." "We'll see about that" she said as she was panting. She dug through her bag and got a water bottle and started drinking it. After a few minutes she started to get up and left the stadium. She turned around to wave at me and turned around again. Shirou  ran toward her shouting her name. I stood up to see what they were doing, and I could see that Fubuki had offered to walk her home. She nodded yes and they both walked out of the stadium. Great, my brother stealing my girl. Wait she's not my girl, but why did I get mad at Fubuki for walking her home? Why did I want her so bad? No, I just had to push these feeling back and forget about it. It's not like she likes me anyways. I walked out of the stadium, still thinking about her.

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