❤️Shindou Takuto x OC❤️

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This was requested by Shindou_Akira these are the OC Details

This was requested by Shindou_Akira these are the OC Details

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Name: Saito Kanna
Age: 14
Team: Raimon
Jersey Number: 12

Ok quick note I love that picture. You gets cookies. Now on to the story.

Saito POV
I walked through town looking for any place I could get something to eat. I was really hungry today, and I was going to my new school today. I found a cafe to go in. I walked in and heard the bell on the door go 'ding'. I looked around seeing that the place was really packed and full of people. A waiter came up to me. "Hi, welcome to our cafe. We can seat you over here." She led me to a table with two chairs, with one person already sitting there.

The boy had gray, short, and choppy hair, with brown eyes. His appearance was really cute, and he seemed sweet. I took the seat across from him. "Hi" I said trying to break the ice. "Hi" he replied back. He seemed very shy around me and I didn't know why. I made my order and so did he.

The waiter brought us our order and I immediately began eating. I looked up to see him chuckle a little bit. "You must really be hungry" he said laughing. "Yeah I am. Today is my first day at Raimon, and I really want to join the footbal team."

"Oh I go to Raimon, maybe I can walk you there. And I also play on the team. We are needing a new member. I'll talk to the team about it" he said smiling at me. "Ok" I said excited to have a friend on my first day.

We ate the rest of our meal and walked towards the school. "So what do you like to do" I asked trying to find out more about him. "Well I like to play music" he said. "Me too. I keep a whole assortment of instruments in my room" I said.

Everyone at my old school never shared the same interests as me. It was nice to know someone who gets me. "I keep a piano in my bedroom and I play it all the time" he said. As we continued to walk we discussed about music and soccer. We had so much in common. As we arrived I headed to the office and I waved at him and smiled. Maybe he was the only one who would ever get me. Maybe he was the only one I would ever love.

Shindou's POV
I walked Saito to the office and went to my classes. She was a really nice person. We shared a lot of the same interest and we became good friends. She was also really beautiful. The way her long pink hair swayed in the breeze. Her bright blue eyes could light up any room.

I continued to go to my classes and think about her.

Time skip
When Saito go's to the field
I went to go meet up with my team and I brought Saito with me to go meet the team. She beamed with confidence as she went around introducing herself to all of the team. After she was done I told her she had 5 minutes to show me her skills. She nodded and grabbed a soccer ball.

I sat on the bench watching her. She had amazing control of the ball, which could be helpful in future games. She also hold the ball between her feet easily. She would balance the ball on her head and her neck. She played really good.

After she was done she came up to me jumping up and down very anxious to know my answer. I smiled seeing her excitement and grabbed her jersey. "Congratulations Saito Kanna. You are officially a member of Raimon." I handed her the jersey that was the number twelve. She radiated joy and happiness as she grabbed that jersey. She smiled and hugged me tightly. I was surprised at this movement but didn't pull back. Something about seemed soothing, and calmed me. I blushed a little and she pulled away. She walked back to her house and I watched her leave, but I didn't want her to.

              Saito's POV
I had made it on the team! I was so excited. I was going to get to play with Shindou! I walked home thinking about everything that could happen. I arrived at my house and I walked up to my room. I flopped onto my bed and stared at my jersey. I admired it with joy. I was going to play the game I loved once again.

                Time skip to a week later
                 (Sorry don't know why it was that long)
I got home from practice and I grabbed one of my guitars and began to strum a short and sweet tune. I heard my phone vibrate and it was a message from Shindou. "Can I come over?" It asked. "Sure" I texted back. I continued to strum the melodic tune until I heard the doorbell. I rushed downstairs to go answer it. I opened the door to see the brown eyed boy. I looked down and I could see a giant cut on the boys leg that was bleeding like crazy. "Shindou, what happened!" "I cut myself really bad after practice" he complained as he groaned in pain. I grabbed his shoulder and led him up to my bedroom.

I sat him down on my bed and grabbed some medical supplies. I did some treatment on the cut, and I could see tears coming out of his dark brown eyes. "I'm sorry Shindou. Just bare with me" I said to reassure him. I wrapped it up in a white cast and layer him down.

He cried in pain and I wanted to help him, but there wasn't much I could do. "Shindou, why did you walk all the way over here with a condition like that" I asked him sadly. He never answered. He continued to cry softly, and I could see the pain that he was crying out. I grabbed my guitar and started playing a song for him.

As I picked each one of the strings, I let all of the pain he was feeling out into each note. Each chord I played, represented each tear that had fallen. I played the last chord and Shindou had stopped crying. He smiled at me from the bed and I smiled back at him. "Do you mind if I stay the night?" "No you can stay as long as you want" I told him
          Time skip to later in the night
I was cleaning up around the house for the last couple of hours and checked the time. 10:00. I didn't realize how late it was. I went up to my bedroom and hopped into bed. I lied down and I saw Shindou softly sleeping next to me.

I smiled a little bit. I leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. "Goodnight Shindou." I told him. It looked like he was fast asleep, but little did I know my lover was wide awake, smiling.

Ok I wrote this in one go. I'm so tired. I hoped you liked it. I didn't really know the personality of the OC so I just went with what felt right for her. Anyway hoped you liked it. Vote and comment!

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