Chapter 10

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 I couldn't manage to get her off my mind no matter how much I had tried since that evening at the club. She was sexy and she was young and had a youthful glow despite her precocious behavior. I couldn't tell who she really was. Whenever we had spoken one on one she had put on this innocent front, very insecure and uncertain of the things she said. But if you gave her a little bit to drink and something to smoke, she was a different person. That evening at the club for Chubbs birthday she was sexy and though it was difficult for anyone to possibly take their eyes off of such a stunning girl, it was just about impossible that night. Though fully dressed for a night out, she was sexier than the girls that had danced next to her just about naked. But this morning she was someone completely different. The opinion I had on her music had meant more to her than anything despite the fact that she had been a seasoned artist that was raised in the music industry.

"Man, where is your head at?" 40 asked me and I looked up from my lap. I was exhausted even though it was only a little after 12, but since I had been here since about 7 this morning it had seemed to be a lot later.

"I'm just tired. I've been here since 7." I said and 40 sucked his teeth.

"Is this place even open at 7?" he asked sitting back against the chair and stopping the beats that he had been playing.

"Nah, the first session is at 8. Evan told me that Nayomi would be here so the door would be open. I was writing in here until I heard Nayomi playing the beat she got from you on the piano." I said.

"So you getting that thousand dollars?" he asked with a laugh and I laughed too.

"Nah, I told you I ain't. She let me hear something that she wrote and it was hot. She said it wasn't finished but it sounded like a whole song or at least interlude. It was real. She sounds nothing like how she sounds on her CDs.

"Aw shit." 40 hissed looking at me and I frowned.

"What?" I asked.

"I knew it." he said.

"Knew what? Stop playing with me nigga." I said and he sucked his teeth.

"You like her, Drizzy. You got a thing for Nayomi James." he said,

"Everyone like's Nayomi, 40. What the hell is there not to like about her?" I argued.

"That's not what the fuck I mean Drake and you know it." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"We just connect, I ain't feeling her. She's just an artist that I'm trying to sign right now." 40 gave me the eye. "I'm serious."

"Yeah, you can act like we strangers and I don't know you, but I know you 'bout to write a song and shit. You always come with a damn song." he said and I couldn't help but laugh. "But let's not forget about that beautiful ass wife you got at home." I sighed rubbing my hand over my face.

"She left me 13 voicemails while we was at the club the other night. 13 voice messages." I said

"She's your wife. She's supposed to do crazy shit like that." 40 said.

"13 voicemails in less than an hour? You don't think that's crazy? We're not even sleeping in the same room no more."

"But are you still fucking her?" 40 asked and I stayed silent. "Exactly." I sighed. "Are you even serious about this divorce?"

"I think we should do it, I mean, it'll keep us from killing each other. I love her to death. I really do, but I'm not happy. I wish I could say that I was, because Giselle was supposed to be the girl of my dreams, but I can tell that this is not working for either of us."

"Then just divorce her man." he said and I shook my head.

"I can't do that to Monet. It would break her heart. I already hate the damn camera in her face all the time now. If Giselle and I get divorced and it goes public like it's bound to, it's going to be bad." I said and 40 nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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