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The next five days were all the same, the same room, in the same house with the same apparent killer but no interaction. Mingyu didn't hear a single note on the piano or even a stir, if it wasn't for the small trays of food and pills weakly pushed into his room he'd think he'd been left alone.

Being stuck in the same room for that amount of time induced mild insanity, Mingyu felt like the clock that hung on the wall was taunting him even if it looked to have broken years ago. More than anything he was confused, he felt like the car crash opened him up into this mystery he had to solve, the mystery of Jeon Wonwoo. The energy in the house was solemn and empty, not that of a crazed son who would kill his mother so at this point with the little reasoning Mingyu had left he'd decided it was unlikely the boy had murdered his mother. Thankfully.

This left him with intrigue, he imagined if he had the papers reporting about him now like he used to and still kept a running narrative of in his head the headlines today would be 'Kim Mingyu crazed? Mad conspiracy theorist, this article reveals all!'

He hated that his mind still worked like that but with nothing better to do but fight the pain with thought, he dreamt up a whole range of various scenarios. They varied from rational to insane, maybe his mother had been old and passed away, he wouldn't know much about it and assume he did it or maybe Wonwoo was a rising star in hollywood taking part in some method acting, after another day or so a large camera crew would pitch up and tell Mingyu it was all a trick to help Wonwoo with a role and get some good reality tv to help his 'image' whatever that was at this point. One idea was clearly less plausible than the other.

A creek of the door snapped him out of his thoughts, 'ladies and gentlemen if you look to your left you will see the Kim Mingyu attempting to reach his first slice of bread, can he do it? I don't thin- Oh and he's done it again!'

The door was then closed by a hand as white as the snow that lined his small window, he just wanted to talk and he knew he had to say something the next time the older was near.

'Out of sight is out of mind, out of sight is out of mind' Wonwoo repeated the line from Shakespeare like clockwork in attempt to reassure himself that this distance was the best thing. He wasn't ready to face the stranger, he felt he had lied to him about everything and didn't think he deserved companionship after last time.

Too dangerous.

He didn't dare leave Mingyu alone but he didn't dare get too close either so he almost exclusively stayed in his room. It was decorated shockingly nicely with a far more comfortable bed than the one he had to give mingyu, soft lanterns and his pride and joy, his wall that was just one huge book shelf. Wonwoo would stare at the three books he had acquired from the stranger but didn't dare read them, he didn't deserve to know more about the outside world, what he had was enough.

Thinking that the piano would be too much, that it might scare or anger Gyu, Wonwoo also opted to leave that alone. He was stuck in limbo, somehow with someone in his house for the first time in years Wonwoo had never felt this alone on a normal day, he craved something he just didn't know what.

There's the tray again. "Wonwoo please wait." Mingyu stifled out, it was quite early in the morning so he was caught off guard but instead of the hand instantly retracting it lingered, "Y-you'll hate me,"

"You found me in the snow and now you're leaving me in the dark, come on Wonwoo please try help me so we can try be friends again."

"You don't want to be friends with me, Gyu."

Oh yeah, he knew him as Gyu; even in this situation Mingyu had to smile at the nickname.

"Just come in here,"

To Mingyu's surprise, it worked. He saw the door being pushed forward and Wonwoo cross the threshold into his space. The boy looked thinner than before, his snowflake skin looked fragile as if a gust of wind that was slightly too powerful was to blow through the house he'd shatter into a million pieces.


'Gosh this feels like déjà vu' Mingyu thought blinking twice before attempting to begin again but Wonwoo beat him too it.

"You're looking better." He said bluntly when in his mind he was going slightly crazy, it had taken until now for Wonwoo to realise the real beauty of the male he had in his home since most of his face had been covered with ugly swelling and dried blood. He was shocked it was clearing up this quickly but still happy, Mingyu looked worn out but physically he did seem to have made progress.

"Look Wonwoo, please just tell me everything and help me understand."


COLORADO NEWS REPORT: An official statement from the management and family of world famous athlete Kim Mingyu is reported officially missing. Due to bad weather conditions the police haven't yet been able to find any trace of Mingyu or his vehicle he left his favourite secluded hotel right here in the Colorado mountains. That's all we know for now on the matter, we're sending our thoughts to the family and fans of the athlete and especially you, Kim Mingyu.

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