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"Thank you," Mingyu said quietly as the older entered again with an especially generous amount of bread and some water. Of course, Wonwoo had to get all his water from the heavy snow outside so it was always ice cold but better than nothing.

"We're going to have to cut back for a little while, we're snowed in so it looks like I'm just as stuck as you," Wonwoo chuckled, rubbing his neck with a hit of nervousness.

'I'm just as stuck as you' reverberated in Mingyu's head, causing him to frown.

"Don't worry though, if it gets too bad I can always cut my way through the roof and go out foraging, it just makes it a whole lot colder and the last thing we need for you is hypothermia." He quickly added as to not alarm the bedridden boy, he caught onto the streak of sadness but didn't think about the emotional context too.

The boys ate in silence and once they were finished Mingyu spoke up, "I've heard you playing the piano a few times you know, you've never mentioned it but I just wanted to let you know you're really good and I'd love to see you play one day."

Mingyu was reminded of the few times he had heard the marvellous sound by the graceful tapping of his fingers Wonwoo was subconsciously doing while eating his meal.

The older felt his cheeks heat up, of course he knew that Mingyu could hear him but for some reason he felt as if his piano was his little secret, silly really when his whole life was a secret just a few weeks prior.

"One day, Gyu." He said calmly, hiding his face by turning to clear up the plates. "I sort of compose my own stuff since I didn't have much to start with in the first place..." He trailed off, still embarrassed.

Mingyu's eyes lit up, a great contrast from his state half an hour ago, "Wah, you wrote the stuff I heard? I should've guessed but that's incredible, I could never do something like that." He beamed as the older's face warped into confusing, "But if you were so famous doesn't that mean you're really good at lots of things? It makes sense that the most popular people are the most talented and inspiring." Wonwoo didn't mean to offend and Mingyu understood that, his social boundaries were not always completely accurate.

"Everyone is just human Wonwoo, good at some things and bad at others; I happen to be considered 'lucky' to be in my place. I can, no, could run really fast but that didn't mean I deserved a bigger spotlight and definitely not that i could compose amazing piano scores like you can," Wonwoo nodded slowly much like a small child, "I guess that sort of makes sense."

There was another bout of silence before Wonwoo spoke up again, wishing to change the subject and deciding on something he'd been meaning to bring up for a while, "You know Mingyu, I really hate to say this but you haven't been cleaned since you got here and I'm not sure if that's accustom where you're from but frankly you're starting to smell." He stated slightly awkwardly, Mingyu's eyes widened, this medication was doing something to his brain.

"I am so sorry, you should've said something oh my, can I have a bucket of water or something?" Mingyu asked, very embarrassed at the fact Wonwoo had to cope with him rotting away without a word.

With a nod, the older exited and returned twenty minutes later with a metal bucket full of water and a makeshift cloth. "I'll help," He said softly, not wanting Mingyu to have to see his legs again, instead getting him to hold up his blankets to work as a blockade. The younger softly nodded, he didn't like the idea of being so open but he couldn't exactly do much or even reach his legs.

He let out a sharp hiss as Wonwoo first pulled up the hem of the tracksuit he was wearing and put the wet cloth on his leg, a mix of the pain from the sensitivity and freezing cold wasn't a nice combination but at least he could actually feel something in his legs again. Wonwoo flinched away at the sound of discomfort but timidly continued working his way upward when he was given a reassuring nod.

Things quickly got awkward for Mingyu but Wonwoo didn't seem to bat an eyelash which seemed rather strange but he figured was for the best. Zoning out, it took Mingyu a second to realise exactly where Wonwoo had reached, he tried to squirm but failed miserably, this time letting out a far more loud and distressed sound as he felt a hand under his clothing far too close to his groin. The older instantly retracted and backed away completely, looking rather fearful, "Wonwoo you can't just!-" He began quite angrily but changed his tone when he saw how the outcast was equally as distressed.

"I'm sorry, in the real world there are certain limitations and I should've realised you won't know about that, you don't go near that area on other people, okay?" Wonwoo nodded tentatively but still a little confused.

"Just let me do the rest, I can handle it and once I'm done we can read the rest of the second book and forget all about it, yeah?" Mingyu said, peaking over the blanket he was still holding up to make direct eye contact. Wonwoo nodded and swiftly left the room after handing Mingyu the supplies.

He shook his head as he got to work, soon after he heard the keys of a piano start to dance not too far away which made him calm down, he figured Wonwoo would usually play it when he felt a lot of emotion so felt slightly guilty at the way he approached the situation.

He hummed contentedly but stopped when he heard a soft voice, as pure as snow fill up the small cabin on the side of the mountain for only him to hear.

It was beautiful.

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰│ ᴍᴇᴀɴɪᴇDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora