Chapter 3: Like it's Christmas

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The alarm clock went off in the hallway and I thought about kicking it down the stairs, but I was warm where I was rolled up in two blankets. It got cold fast and it had snowed weeks ago. Then one of my brothers practically kicked the door off the hinges and yelled, "YOU MAKE EVERYDAY FEEL LIKE IT'S CHRISTMAS!" God, Kevin.

"Kevin, are you drunk or just being stupid?" I yelled back. The other two busted out laughing.

"No! You know what, it's Christmas so you are going to get up," Kevin responded. I just rolled out of the bed and laughed as I stood up. I walked out the door and sat by the tree. I passed them gifts first.

"You guys open yours first," I demanded.

"No! That's not how it works- you're supposed to open them first!" Nick Joked.

"No, you boys first," I demanded once more.

"She's not taking no for an answer Nick," Joe told him.

"Fiiiiiine, we'll open presents first. Just be aware this isn't all of them," Nick told me. I rolled my eyes and waited for them to start. About three hours later they were done.

"You didn't tell me there were that many!" I whined.

"We warned you," Kevin mumbled.

"I know, but still!" I whined again. I opened all of my presents and got a picture of the four of us, a new laptop, and actual headphones.

"But it's over with," Joe said.

"Thanks!"  The boys said before walking over to their studio and shutting the door.

"Thanks," I muttered back before falling asleep on the couch. I was so tired I wasn't going to wait for them to finish doing whatever they are doing. They probably are working on songs and stuff, but it's not my problem, nope. I woke up to hear things being thrown around in the kitchen. I walked in the kitchen to see Joe and Kevin throwing eggs and mashed potatoes at each other.

"Don't wake Melissa up!" Joe hissed throwing another spoonful of potatoes at Kevin.

"Then if she did wake up, whose fault would it be then? Yours!" Kevin yelled. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the studio. I opened the door and Nick was sitting on the floor with his guitar. He set it down.

"What's up?" Nick asked seeing my unsure face.

"Uhhh Joe and Kevin are throwing food at each other. I think the next thing they'll be Thor ing is snow with paint mixed into it," I mumbled. He sighed and stood up.

"Let's make sure it doesn't go too far," he groaned. We walked down the hallway, and they weren't inside.

"They're already throwing the paint snow. Oooof course," I mumbled.

"You go fix it!" I whined. He sighed once more and stepped outside. He came back inside dragging both of them by the ear.

"Sit! Both of you!" he snapped.

"First off, can we ever have a peaceful Christmas in this house?" I asked as Kevin and Joe snickered.

"She's right. I was working on a part for the Christmas song, and I look up to see Melissa standing in the doorway telling me 'Kevin and Joe are fighting- with food.' When aren't you two getting in trouble?!" Nick yelled. I flinched, Nick never yelled with me around. It literally scared me, no joke.

"Now you've scared El," Joe snapped.

"No, NO! YOU GUYS NEED TO LEARN TO QUIT BEING RUDE TO EACH OTHER!" I yelled as I stood up and ran to my room. I never locked my bedroom door, but I did it anyway. I wasn't gonna be emotional about it, that's a stupid way to react. Someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to help me with the song," Nick asked.

"Sure, gimme a second," I said as I unlocked the door. We walked over to the studio and I sat playing a few songs I knew. I am calmed than before at least.

"That note, that you just played, it's way too low," he noted.

"You think?!" I joked and giggled, "How's this sound?" I tapped the note I thought would be right.

"That's actually pretty good," he said. I smiled then replayed that fixed part three times to memorize it, "that's actually good too, that can stay in the song." I nodded and smiled again.

"I was using it for memorization, but that works!" I told him.

" ...So, did you actually flinch when I yelled at them?" Nick asked. I nodded, it really did scare me, Nick never yelled with me around!

"Yeah, you scared me... Not a big deal," I told him.

"I'm sorry," Nick replied.

"Don't be sorry, I told you it was ok already!" I giggled. I fell asleep to Nick singing the finished song. I then started to have a dream, more like a nightmare.

In the dream, all the kids in my school surrounded me, some punched me and others slapped me. They demanded I run away, change my name, and jump in front of a car.

"You don't deserve to be their sister!" One cried.

"It's the Jonas Brothers, they don't need a sister!" Another protested.

I woke up from the dream by crying in the corner. I've had panic attacks before, but it's been forever since I've had one. I then had the panic attack I highly anticipated, and sobbed with a slight feeling of paranoia. I was panicking still, yes. Nick had no idea what to do.

"Come here El," he softly said as I crawled up next to him, "why are you crying?"

"I had a nightmare, everyone at school hated me and wanted me gone completely!" I managed to say before continuing to sob.

"I could come to school with you tomorrow," Nick exclaimed.

"That is great! Teachers always enjoy having an extra person around for lectures!" I said brightly as Nick smiled. day

"I'll drive us, then we need to drive home because we have a concert later that day. You don't need to take part if you don't want," Nick explained.

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