First day

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I walk up to the hospital and take a deep breath in. The fears that no one would like me started to roam throughout my whole my body.

When I walk in the hospital, I'm taking by surprise. It's absolutely bright and colorful and just beautiful. I walk a couple feet and run into a rushing nurse. "Sorry," I say. She politely said back to me "It's okay, do you need something?" I breathe a breath of relief and tell her I'm new and the new attending for PEDs. She looks at me with a welcoming smile and says "Oh, Well the attendings lounge is over there, you won't miss it." She then scuries off, while I walk down the hallway to the lounge. When I open the door I see multiple people just start to pile out. As they are all out, I walk in and find this girl sitting at a round table. The looks of it, she looked like she was crying. I go over with my bags and look at her when she looks up I drop my bags. "My god, you're beautiful." Shocked at by what I  just said I pick up my bags and say "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off like that, yy-you're though and you shouldn't cry." The girl gets up and starts to to head to the door smiling like crazy. With a quick reaction Arizona gets up and says to the girl, "My names Arizona, the new attending for PEDs." Arizona turns back around to her locker and starts to put her stuff away.

"Callie." Arizona turns around with a quick jolt and says, "What. My name is Callie, Ortho. See you around Arizona." And with that Callie left the lounge leaving behind a really happy Arizona.

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