The surgery

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Arizona's POV

"Dr. Robbins, I need you for a consult. Oh of course Ross, just let me finish up here and I'll meet you down there."

About 20 minutes later I was done in surgery.

As I walk out of the scrub room, Ross is standing out. I get a really confused look on my face and say, "Ross, Why are you not down with the patient?" He shoots UO from where he was sitting and says, "Well, I was wanting to scrub in with you, because I already know about the girl. She has two broken bones one in her arm the other in her leg. Plus she has internal bleeding. So could I scrub in with you?" As I am walking away and see that he is still following me, I say yes.

When I get there I can already see someone with her. It looks as though it is a girl. I go up to the girl and realize it's just Callie. Oh great, now this is going to be awkward.

"My name is Liz", said the little girl. "My name", I said, "Is Dr. Robbins."

After a little while of chatting I walked away filling out her chart, while Ross prepped her for surgery.

Callie's POV

Go talk her, I keep telling myself. I watched as she bent over to retrieve something and I stared at her butt, for what seemed like ages. Right then and there I just wanted to take her to the nearest on-call room. I knew I couldn't though. So I got my shit together and went up to her.

"Dr. Robbins," I say and she looks up and looks at me. I just stared into her baby blue eyes, melting. Finally someone says something, it was her of course. "Yes, Callie," she said. I reply back, "I was wondering if I could scrub in with you instead of the other resident." She just stared at me a while and let out a cute little laugh.

"Yes, I think I would like you a whole lot better than the other resident." With the answer I wanted I walked away with a really happy face.

Arizona's POV

"I can't find the source of the bleeder, Grey hold this, so I cab get a better look. I think the bleeder might be nea-Ahh yes, it was near the liver. "

10 minutes later I get the bleeding under control. I get to the scrub room where Callie already is. God, I could just watch her from a distance and be satisfied. I walk in there and she stares at me, so I turn to her and say "Are you okay?" She says back to me "Uh Yeah, no, maybe, i don't know." With a slow reaction I pull her into a hug. She pulls me closer and starts to cry. She says to me, "I'm sorry, I just have been having the worst two days ever. My dad refuses to accept me for me. I told him I was gay and now he won't let me talk to my family." Shocked at what she said I pull back and I ask her "You're gay?" With that she looks up with tear filled eyes and says "Yes, I am." I literally just feel like jumping up and down. I say with a pounding heart "So am I."

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