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Cable's POV

As I sit there for minutes with my jaw dropped, Arizona just sits there smiling at me. God that smile melted my heart. I let out a small laugh and it makes her smile even bigger. I finally say something as my ability to speak returns, " Well I should probably get home." After I started to turn, I felt a hand grab my arm. I turn around and feel a pair of lips crash onto mine. At first I was against it and pulled away. Then I felt my heart flutter and my knees got weak. God what this girl made me feel, no other person could do. She looks at me with sad eyes and I turn her to the wall and pin her to it. Next thing I know my hands are on her hips and my lips are anywhere, but her mouth. I feel myself jerk back again.

"Callie, are you okay," she says so sweetly. I reply back, "I just am afraid to do anything relationship type, everytime I get into one, I get screwed over. I'm sorry, i just can't do this."

I turn to walk out when she says "So we be friends. She takes me by the hnd and drags me out of the scrub room and into the lounge. "Where are we going," I say with a concerned voice. "Drinking," she says, " You and I need it."

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